The Sun

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The next morning was so much different for Denis. He woke up, as someone closed the heavy entrance door of his apartment. He found out, he had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room with his laptop next to him.

- Denis, dear, why do you sleep on the couch? - asked his mom, who'd just entered the apartment. - I'm sorry, I was ringing the doorbell, but noone came, so I just thought...

- No problem, - said Denis glancing at the laptop and reading Ben's last message. - I was just... watching a movie and fell asleep, I was too tired. I'm fine, don't worry. Wanna have some coffee?

- Better tea, - his mom nodded.

- You can drink coffee even if my therapist says I shouldn't do so, I won't be offended, I swear, - Denis laughed, walking to the kitchen.

- Alright then, - she agreed. - Your dad had to go to work early in the morning, sorry, busy season.

- It's fine, I understand, - Denis put the kettle on.

He was really happy to see his mom, but the thought of Ben's unanswered message intrigued him. He wished he could answer it right now, but then he'd have to explain everything to mom, which he really didn't wish to do for some reason.

- So... What are you going to do next?.. Well, I mean... - his mom started. - You can go back to university only in September... But, you can call your mates and catch up with what they've been studying during this time, so you can pass the exams and you won't have to wait for another year... You're clever, you can definitely do that!

- Thanks, mom, - Denis answered with no passion. - I'll think about it, right... I've got a lot of time now, maybe it is a good idea, I can spend my days in the library... Well, I should socialize, at least I should try to. 

He was telling his mom what she wished to hear. The truth was that Denis had no idea, what he really wanted.

His mom left in a few hours, promising to come tomorrow in the evening. Denis saw her to the door and rushed to the laptop. He reread the messange once more, though it was very short and clear. "This just can't be happening", - sighed Denis. A part of him was still thinking, that it was all a dream, or some kind of hallucinations, caused by stress... He reread all the other messages and found Ben's shower photo.

No, definitely not a hallucination.

"Sorry, I fell asleep yesterday, - he typed finally. - Thank you so much... I woke this morning, and it didn't seem as bad as all the prevoious ones. I'm even going to call some of my frends and maybe meet them. I can go back to my studies only in September, so I need some occupation, and I have no idea, what I wanna do. How was your day so far? I'll leave you my phone number, if this is a more convenient way to communicate".

Denis sent the message and grabed his phone and dialed the number of his friend Alex.

- Denis? - a voice said after a while. - Denis, is this really you?

- Yeah, mate, it's me, - Denis tried to sound nonchalant. - How are you? Busy today? Wanna meet maybe?..

- I... Yes, sure! - Alex answered. - My lectures end at 5, and I can come over... or we can meet somewhere.

- Let's meet somewhere in the center, - said Denis. - 5:30 then?

- Great, see you!

Denis hanged up. It went better than he expected. At least, it seemed to him, that Alex was really happy to hear him. He had a shower, changed and went outside to get some food. He was walking slowly through his neighbourhood, with earphones in his ears, listening to some of his favorite music. The snow melted early this year, green grass was piercing out, even though it was the beginning of April. It was cloudy, but rather warm, fresh air smelled with spring. He still had a lot of time before meeting Alex, so he kept walking for about an hour, honestly saying, walking was one of the most relaxing things for him now. He had lunch in a small cozy bar he used to vised often in his... "previous" life.

"This day totally sucks!" - he was about to leave, when he got the message. The number was unknown, but he knew, it was Ben.

"Oh, why so?" - he answered.

Denis paid shot and got outside. The Sun was shining on the horizon, flooding everything with light. Denis thought that he was extremely inspired with that, or, maybe, it was not the Sun at all... He checked his phone and found out that he had enough time to walk to the place where we was to meet Alex. He also noticed a new message.

"Danny came to the soundcheck drunk, and in the middle of it he said that he didn't like this music at all and left somewhere. I don't know what to do, the show starts in 4 hours, and I'm about to cancel it... the whole tour, it doesn't make any sense at all..."

"No, it does! - Denis was so captured by the dialog that almost slammed into a tree. - Remember me! Your music does make sense for people, who love it! It is more than music for some of them, it is hope! They need you, Ben. I don't know, if Danny is back, but if he is, please, talk to him, explain this to him, I truly believe that everything will be fine, man. I wish I could help you..."

Denis worried for Ben, even though they knew each other less then a day, he already felt as if Ben was his good old friend, he'd never thought that could happen to him, he'd seen that only in movies before.

"You already do, - answered Ben almost immediately. - I desperately need a friend, who is not involved in all this. Thank you..."

"I'm always here for you", - Denis smiled, looking at the display.

"Danny's back... I gotta go and talk to him..."

"Good luck, Ben!"

Denis put the phone in his pocket and saw Alex, waving him from the other side of the street.

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