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- So... - Alex broke awkward silence that settled as they entered a bar. - How are... well,

the things? I'm sorry, I just don't know, how to...

- How to react, - Denis cut him off. - Yeah, I understand, it's OK, I have no idea either,

to be honest. Everything's upside down, but I'll carry on, I guess, I'm not that fragile, so

we can talk about it.

- I'm really glad you're fine and you're back, - sighed Alex. - So... your rehabilitation is over,


- Yeah, kind of, - smiled Denis. - I'm back home, and I feel... well, I don't think I can call

that "fine", but I'm moving on. What's going on at uni?

- Well... Everyone was shocked, of course, when it all happened... But the dust settled now, noone is talking about your situation anymore. Are you going to continue your studies?

- Looks like that, - Denis nodded. - I'll have to ask you to bring me lectures and all the stuff, so I can catch up.

- Sure, no prob, - Alex agreed. - I can call by tomorrow morning and bring everything I have.

- Thanks, mate, - answered Denis, taking a drink of his beer. - My first drink in a while... I'm not actually allowed to drink, but... Today's a different day.

- Why today? - asked Alex, taking his beer.

- I don't know, - Denis lied, looking at his phone that remained silent. - It's just today. New today, new me.

- That's the Denis I remember, - Alex laughed.

Denis smirked. He finally started to feel comfortable in the company of Alex. In the company of someone.

They stayed in the bar till late at night, just talking about different things without drinking a lot. Denis found out that he didn't miss much during those 3 months, as well as he understood that he didn't miss his uni a lot. Common sense was telling him, he should be back, but his heart was yelling he should leave and try something else.

"How did it go?" - he typed, Ben still kept silence.

Denis and Alex left the bar and walked home, the night was dark and sharp, stars shone bright in the sky. Denis shivered, since his coat was too thin, and quickened the pace, so did Alex. They said goodnight to each other at the door of Alex's house, and Denis continued walking alone, though he lived not far from his place.

"Better than I expected, - answered Ben. - I think, Danny's got my point... Anyway, he didn't even go to the party after the show. He looked rather upset though... This is breaking my heart".

"Come on, Ben, it's alright, you've talked at least, that's a big deal".

"Oh, thank you, my dear skinny Ukranian child, you help me to survive".

Denis laughed out loud, entering his apartment. He definitely liked that nickname. He boiled some water to make a cup of hot tea to get warm.

"You are welcome, sweet shower boy", - Denis answered finally, the proccess of thinking up a nickname for Ben took him really long.

"Aaaawwww, sweet shower boy, that's nice, Denis! How was your day by the way? Met up with your friends?"

"Yep, - Denis rolled up on the couch. - I met with one of my best friend. It was rather wierd at the beginning... I mean, it is impossible to explain how I feel to someone, who's never expirienced the same... It's like someone, who's lost his hand, will try to explain how does it feel to someone, who has both hands. But I had a great evening anyway, I remember what my life used to be. I missed a part of it. Though some parts actually don't".

"You don't have to do the things you don't like then".

"I wish I could. I need to go back to uni to get higher education. I don't really like this idea, I can't say that I hate my studies, but I'm afraid it's not what I want to do".

"Then do what you want, boy!"

"Well, that's complicated. I want to do music, more then anything in this world. But my parents don't, they want me to get education and become more serious. I listened to them and entered university, but I was never happpy on that occasion".

"Then quit and start doing music, it's fun, believe me!"

"I need to earn money anyway, my parent help me at the moment, but I can't live at their expense forever".

"You can start by teaching someone guitar or vocals, you're great, you can do that".

Denis smiled broadly, the thought of Ben Bruce himself believing in him and supporting him was so inspiring he could fly. He felt he could move mountains if Ben just stayed by his side. He finally felt back to real life.

"Maybe you're right, I should try".

"I'm always right, my skinny friend!"

"Oh, I should put on some weight, I know".

"Noway! You form is perfect".

Denis blushed to the roots of his hair.

"Hah, thanks, mate! I wish I had your eyes and hair, then I'd definitely look perfect!"

"Noone can have hair like mine!!"

"Oh, sorry, just saying! Don't get mad at me ;)"

"Right, skinny child, I won't, you're too cute to be mad at. Sorry, I'm falling asleep, had a very hard day, soooo tired... Goodnight, Denis, talk tomorrow".

"Sweet dreams, Ben".

Denis stared at the wall, replaying the end of the conversation. What the hell was that? Well, whatever that was, he liked it.

He took his laptop, opened the community of his city and created a new topic, saying we was looking for students to teach. 

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