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Hello i did say tomorrow,and now is Tomorrow xP....well here the 2nd chapter linked with ran person story view

Officer Mouri Ran finished taping off the crime scene at the Haido City Hotel. This is the first murder case she's been involved ever since she joined the police force but she still remembered how they worked. As a simple patrolwoman,Ran's job was to keep the public out of the crime scene, which was proving to be much more difficult that she thought. As NEWS crews and internet bloggers tried to sneak in and take a picture. Luckily after knocking a rather pesky reporter about six feet everyone else backed down a bit.

"Wow,Ran-san you really is good at controlling crowd," Naeko commented.Miike Naeko is now currently Ran's partner and was Yumi's old partner.Since Yumi now has married with Haneda Shukichi,she quit from being patrolwoman and becoming a housewife with a 5 years old daughter to take care of.(Yes,Taiko Meijin gained back his 7 title back 6 years ago and married with Yumi,after such extreme effort that he give.)

"Yes.......well I'm afraid I got used to dealing with freaks," Ran replied nervously. "Hopefully they won't come here again."

Sadly fate conspires against her as her father (who by some miracle managed to become a decent detective) and the Detective Boys (the police allow them to participate in cases after learning Conan's identity which is Shinichi) arrive on scene.

"Yo Ran,it's been awhile," Shinichi greeted her.

"Yes, Shi-Shinchi-kun," Ran said stutteredly,her feeling still stirring event after many years knowing the truth that rip everything apart torn to bits, "I guess you're all here for the case." Ran lifted the tape and allowed them throught.

Truthfully Law enforcement was the last occupation Ran wanted to enter, but it seem that it was in her blood because after college she signed up for the police force.And surprisingly Ran find out being a patrolwoman is a rather fulfilling life, as she helps people with day to day problems. Even though she could easily advance in the ranks with her connections in the department, she chose not to because she wanted to avoid this situation.

Ran watched at her father and Shinichi arguing over the evidence of the case. While the rest of the kids started with their own investigation with the exception of one, Haibara Ai..........err Kudo Shiho. She looked a little not interested so she stepped out but she always by Shinichi side helping him with the cases.Just then,a single tear came out of Ran's eye as she remembered the day that the two people she trusted most betrayed her.


Ran came home from her work place and was getting ready to cook dinner when her phone sudddenly rang. "Moshi moshi, Mouri's Detective agency."


"Shi-Shinichi!? Hello, how are you?" Ran answered.

"Hello Ran, I just wanted to tell you that I'm coming home for a while," Shinichi's voice sounded hesitant but Ran didn't care.

"So you're finally done with that case then?" Ran asked.

"Well yes..........but that's not the only reason I'm calling," Shinichi paused, "the truth is............I'm......get-getting ma-married."

Ran almost dropped the phone at his announcement.She feel so shocked when Shinichi told her that he is getting married.after all these years waiting for him.Sadness that she feel was too deep for her to be said in word.

Ran wander around town after Shinichi's call. His announcement echoed in her mind with every step, 'all this time I waited, he promised he would return, and now he's getting married just like that.' Ran soon found herself at the Beika Park; she sat down trying to sort things out in her mind. The more she thought about it the more she wished this was just a nightmare. Ran knew she needed someone to talk to about this.

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