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Me and Luna decided that night that we will recruit Shen and also another girl from a different class Christina, Louise said that Tessa wanted to join but she's the leader so I'm guessing she will decide

"Luna I got to go a dinner with my family, call Shen and tell her we will meet in the morning" Louise said looking in the mirror whilst brushing her hair

"Say hello to your family for me" "I will" She smiled and ran out my house

'Guess I gotta call Shen'

Luckily you got her number from Taehyung because he sits in front of you so you asked him for it and he's so nice and gave it to you

You : Hello? Is this Shen?
Shen : Yeah why?
You : Oh hi this is Luna the girl you bumped into today at lunch
Shen : Oh hi Luna how you get my number?
You : I asked Taehyung, Areum's brother
Shen : You talk to him?
You : No he was at the shop and I just asked him, he's so nice
Shen : I know right
You : Yeah but that's how I got your number
Shen : Oh okay
You : I found out that you major in music and so do I and my bestfriend Louise so I was wondering if you wanted to build...well...a band...?

Shen : A band?
You : Yeah we can think of the name later, that's Louise's job
Shen : Hm...
You: Just test it for now
Shen: It's not a bad idea

You : Let's start tomorrow and see how it goes, and we will explain everything and get started straight away

Shen : Okay see ya in the morning...?
You : Yes first thing, Bye Shen

"That went well" I sighed and went to have a shower

My mum got was dropped home by my dad and my dad and my little brother went home we had dinner and we went to bed


*Next day*

I woke up and wore this

'Pretty simple but who am i trying to impress anyways' You said to your self while looking in the mirror

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'Pretty simple but who am i trying to impress anyways' You said to your self while looking in the mirror

You and Louise walked to school and waited for Shen to arrive



You heard a knock on the door and the person slowly entered

"Oh hi Shen" "Hi guys" You both smiled at her and she smiled sweetly to you back

"Well let me introduce myself first since I haven't like met you yet" Louise slightly chuckled and stood up

"I'm Louise Adams"

"Don't talk rubbish Louise" You said and crossed your arms

"Oh shut up Luna, Fine, I'm Louise Adams I have been attending this school for almost a year now, I obviously major in music but I'm a rapper" She said sounding so cool which obviously amused Shen

"Nice to meet you" Shen bowed to her

"Just because I'm older doesn't mean you treat me like you just met the queen, we are sisters now" Shen smiled and accidentallly bowed again

"Yeah we need to work on that Shen" Louise said slightly chuckling to herself

"Yeah" Shen said awkwardly

"Oh no the cringe!" You suddenly burst out

"What what?!?" Shen asked at your sudden burst

"Shen you made the situation weird, come on loosen up a bit" You went to Shen and shook her body about a bit

"Your too tense" "Sorry just nerves kicking in" "There's noting to be nervous about Shen, Relax" "Sorry" "Yeah we really need to work on that" Louise repeated laughing again

"Shen introduce yourself to us" Louise said coming next to you

"And loosen up its all good" Shen breathed in closed your eyes counter to 3 and opened them again

"I'm Shen erm I'm 16 no 17 I'm in class B-"

"Wait your in Class B" Louise shouted interrupting me

"Louise you stopped her" You said hitting her back gently "I know but she's in class B, Jungkook's new class" Louise said the last bit irritated

You rolled your eyes hearing Jungkook's name but you purposely didn't let Louise see you

"But Luna you so lucky your in class A you have Jimin" Louise said while daydreaming about something and smiling weirdly

"Jimin?" You repeated


"You seem to mentioning him a lot today" Shen added sheepishly

"Yeah Louise has a massive crush on Jimin and well-"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door which interrupted you

"Oh she's finally here" Louise exclaimed "Who?" Shen asked "Our 4th member to our team" "Which it?" "Shen meet..."

The door opened and a girl your age walked in

"Shen meet Christina our 4th members to our team"

"Nice to meet you all" Christina bowed and smiled
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