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Jimin|You|Your mum

(That was your position on how the table was set) 

Isabelle put baby Jayhyun in a little baby chair so that he can sit by himself while our parents talked

"Luna why are you and Jimin not talking?" Mr Park asked curiously stopping his conversion and directing his attention to us

"Uh, well you see-" "I'm just hungry maybe after" Jimin said rolling his head around his neck

"Ahh Jimin gets quite grumpy in the morning when he is hungry" Jimin's dad says amused talking to my mum as if he was showing off to her and she giggles 

"Same for my little girl, she's exactly the same as Jimin" She said laughing along side and I just rolled my eyes "That's why they are so close-" He looked up again "Right guys?"

Jimin fake smiled, reason why I knew that is  because there was no eye smile "Best of buddies" Jimin said pinching my cheeks tightly but little did they know it really hurt "oohskay immdva, OKAY!" I shoved Jimin off and rubbed my swollen cheek

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" He tilted his head pretending to be concerned "I'm fine" I huffed, massaging my cheeks 

Finally a waiter comes to take our orders and soon after our food came

"So Luna are you and your mum going to attend church tomorrow?" I honestly don't know why he asked me that,  when my mum was literally right in front of him "Erm yeah me and my lil brother will probably come if my dad drops us" His smile suddenly dropped "Does that mean that your dad will be attending?" "I don't know" I shrug my shoulders giving him weird confused face on why his mood suddenly changed "Miss Moon-" He called my mum by her maiden name and not by her marriage name 'Mrs Kim' "Yes Mr Park" She said almost too excited nearly grabbing his hand "I'm sure your attending morning mass tomorrow right?" Her smile dropped at that question but she quickly plastered it replying it with a forced one "Er I'm guessing" "I can pick you up forget about your ex husband" Jimin's dad quickly says, almost too quick "That is very nice of you Sam" She smiles at him in admiration 


It was weird how he was talking about my mum and dad like that, he's acting as if the got a divorce but in fact his wife is literally sitting right there but my parent don't live together because they couldn't handle the arguments they had ever second, its not like they are even officially divorced  

"That would be lovely thank you, me and Luna will be ready for you to pick us up...?" "Nine I will pick you up at nine and we can both grab breakfast together" I look over to Mr Park confused and say "Both?" "Oh did I say both I meant all" He started to laugh as if he didn't know what he saying when he did "Jimin attends his church classes maybe Luna can go as well" He raises his brows to me and my mum quickly agrees to me 

Its so weird how my mum is so happy about church I cannot even remember the last time we went out on a Sunday, let alone in church 

"And maybe after we can come to mine for dinner?" He suggests to my mum and my mum seemed to obey him straight away and nod her head "They can, what a brilliant idea" She said giggling a bit to much making me suspicious 

"What the hell is going on between him and my mum'


I was about to continue may thoughts but I felt a sizzle on my thigh and shoot my head up where  Jimin slapped, a little to hard for my liking "Ouch! what the hell?!" I look at him as he has a grin on his face "Wipe that grin off your face and apologies" "Sorry" He manages to get out as he burst into a fit of laughs "Its not funny" "Oh come on, pussy, of course it is" "If I hit you like that-" "I'd kill you" He interrupts my and whispers lowly whilst patting my back harshly 

"Oww!" "Oh come on don't be a baby it wasn't even hard" "It was and it hurt" I whined 

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Don't beat my up but I know  I haven't updated on this account for 5 months but its only merely because I forgot, I forgot I had an account and when I came back I had over 1000 notifications, Thanks for everyone who followed me its amazing to come back to that but it wasn't my fault, I am going to try and update quicker (if I remember)

Thank you for over a K on my other Jungkook book and 10k on this thank you so much and also 42 followers thats mad thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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