Chapter 2

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I gathered all my strength to get up. I looked around to make sure no one was there. My vision was blurry so I couldn't make out who was who. I first tried to wake up what looked like Rachel.

" Wake up Rachel! Wake up! " I nudged her.

" *Yawn* I'm not Rachel, I'm Fred. " said Fred tiredly. " Come on. Let's wake up the others. "

We still couldn't see properly so it was difficult. Fred even tried to wake up a rock. But eventually, we were all awake.

" Why is my vision horrible? " Asked Rachel.

" We still don't know why. " I answered.

" Wait my vision is coming back! " yelled John

" Mine too! " said Sophie.

We all stared in horror. The only thing we saw were wolves.

" Why do we all look like wolves? " asked Sophie a little scared.

Fred was feeling his face with his hands err... paws trying to get used to being a wolf.

" Are they awake yet? "

" I think so. "

" Out of the way. Alpha's coming! " said mysterious voices.

Then out of nowhere, 4 wolves came out from different bushes. Other wolves followed behind them.

" Do not be alarmed. We will explain everything. " said one wolf. I think he was the leader err... alpha.

" We will also teach you our ways. " said another.

" Well then, tell us. " I said as we all sat down.

Sorry for the short chapter.   I'm lazy 😑

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