After the alone on v-day video

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Princey's pov
" what are you laughing at hot topic"
"Aww you think I'm hot"
Skip to end of video after they hold hands
Well that was an interesting video I hated having to pretend to hate anxiety ,when in reality I don't hate him .I secretly love him but he hates me .I think logic and Thomas ship us mortality probably does now maybe Thomas's fans will ship us like they shipped Jon and Thomas and look how they turned out so maybe me and anxiety would work as well .*someone knocking on the door sound effect* I get up and walk to the door to answer it.
Time skip back to the beginning but in anxiety's pov
Anxiety's pov
"what are you laughing at hot topic"
"Aww you think I'm hot" PRINCEY THINKS I'M HOT!!!!!!!! I think I'm over reacting but wouldn't you over react if you the person you love that doesn't know you love them called you hot?
Skip to end of video after they hold hands
I need to calm down ,but Princey held my hand! (we interrupt this story to give you a quick one shot based on the personality QnA video it will be written in bold italics so none the less here you go )
Anxiety's pov
"Anxiety if you had to kiss one of the other personalities who would it be?" (I think thats what they said?) i can't answer that thou i know who I'd kiss,Princy thats who but I can't say that because the others would probably tell him and he would laugh at me ."and I'm out of here have fun with morality  Thomas" (and that was sh!t but the fact that he wants to kiss Princey is the only action your gonna get for now until next chapter and now back to the main story )
Anxiety's pov still
But I had to pretend to hate it ,i didn't thou i loved it . His hands are so soft and warm ,that sounds creepy (🎤its not creepy 🎤its okay from friendship is witchcraft anyone?i literally only know the song not the show )
But its true his hands are soft. Maybe we could be friends and then i could build up the courage to ask him out ,yeah I'll do that. I'll go to his room now and ask to be friends .
Time skip to present time
Princey's pov
Anxiety? What is he doing here? "Why hello there Anxeity what brings you to my room?" He mumbles something under his breath "what was that Anxeity I didn't hear you ?"
"I wanna be friends "he wants to be friends?THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!! "well of course we can be friends maybe we'll be best friends!(ouch friendzoned)or more than best friends!" I say the last part under my breath
Anxiety's pov
"Or more than friends" what does he meen by more than friends????
Could he possibly meen lovers? That would be THE BEST THING EVER!!!!! "So what do we do now we're friends Princey?"
"We could watch a Disney movie!!!!!!" He seems very exited about that "okay what Disney movie do you want to watch ?"
"Hmmmmmm" he seems to be thinking "i know we can watch"
Thomas's pov
Me and Jon are watching our favorite Disney film (if i get it wrong which i probably will because I'm stuipid please correct me in the comment and i will change it)
Aladin,everytime a song comes on we sing it together for example a whole new world is coming up i look over at Jon and we smile at each other
T:I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide!
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
J: A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
T: Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Third person pov
Slowly both Thomas and Jon lean in closer (in the backseat of your rover)and closer
I'm sure you know what happens next right so i don't need to write it do i okay?okay great we understand each other and that is very good now i shall puplish this and continue to watch mousie play my favorite ps2 disney game goodbye👋👋👋
Word count:778

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