Tagged and Q'n'A

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Me:Hey guys gals and non-binary pals
I have been tagged but I was tagged like months ago so I remember the questions (kinda) but I'm going to do it differently so the sides are going to be doing the tag! So first question is favourite colour Virgil you go first
Virgil:Purple or black I guess
Me: Roman your next!
Roman: Red and gold like my suit
Me:okay well Patton your next
Patton: Blue! And grey like my cat onesie and my cardigan
Me: And finally Logan
Logan: Blue like my tie and black like my shirt
Patton: We share a favourite colour Cookie!
Me:Aww couple nicknames anyway question two favourite food I think it was?
Virgil: chocolate it calms me down
Me: take notes Roman you now know how to calm him down
Roman: I will
Me: right Roman favourite food?
Roman: (insert random food here because I can't think of something for Roman)
Me: Interesting choice
Patton: I love cookies and anything sweet *winks at Logan*
Me: Logan why are yo-oooohhh
Patton: *winks at Logan again *
Me: Anywhoo logan what is your food of preference
Logan: Well I do enjoy healthy stuff but from time to time I do enjoy vegetable pizza
Me: Hmm who would have thought Logan liking pizza anyway question three favourite movie go!
Virgil:nightmare before Christmas, Coraline and Corpse bride
Roman: every Disney film every but especially Mary poppins
Patton: I like the mlp movies and fox and the hound
Me: me too Patton
Logan: I don't really watch movies but I suppose my favourite would be Avengers Captain America films
Patton: Calm down kiddo
Me: right sorry dad anyway next question! Favourite TV show
Virgil: I.......... *takes deep breath* i prefer to watch anime like YoI and Vld but I did enjoy Pretty Little Liars
Me:same! Apart from the pretty little liars bit but anyway Roman your turn
Roman: Tangled the series and from time to time i will watch anime with my little dark cloud
Me:Awww couple goals I wish I had a girlfriend to do that stuff with
Patton: I thought you had a girlfriend?
Me: Yeah had she broke up with me because people were bothering her about us and the thing is we're still friends and i hear her talking about hot guys and my heart always breaks just a little bit more
Me: because I didn't want you to worry about me dad
Virgil: I knew of course
Logan: Maggie why is it that Virgil knows but Patton didn't
Me: well Virgil was the only one with me at the time because it was your movie night but Virgil was watching over me and gave me the anxiety that made me think it was all my fault because you know its his job but anyway Patton and Logan favourite TV shows?
Patton: I like supervet but I don't really like the surgery and I enjoy watching crime and mystery shows with Cookie
Logan: *blushing* its true we do often watch things like Sherlock together
Me: *ignoring The coupleness because of my broken heart* question five favourite song
Virgil: welcome to the black parade and I'm not okay (I promise)
Me: I'm not surprised
Roman: Training Wheels and Mrs Potatohead
Me: yasss crybabys for live
Patton: DNA and I NEED U
Virgil: calm down Maggie
Me: sorry you raisin oatmeal cookie
Roman: Hey! That what I called him when we were effected by his room
(Okay guys I interrupt this chapter to say something important THOMAS LIKED MY TWEET!!!!!

 *takes deep breath* i prefer to watch anime like YoI and Vld but I did enjoy Pretty Little Liars Me:same! Apart from the pretty little liars bit but anyway Roman your turn Roman: Tangled the series and from time to time i will watch anime with my...

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I'm freaking out because my FUCKING idol the person I inspire to be like and completely adore noticed me OMG you guys gals and non-binary pals)

Me: well its Logans turn to tell me his favourite song
Logan: um (enter a song that Logan would like)
Me: Next question! Favourite band/ group and Virgil they have to be together still
Virgil:fiiine fall out boy then
Roman: mine would have to be fall out boy aswell their songs are great
Patton: Bts definitely
Me: just like me! Also they might come to England for a show!
Patton: OMG that's great!
Logan: (again enter band/group Logan would like)
Me: unfortunately its the final question......... Of the tag because we're gonna do a Q'n'A comment questions down below make sure to say who its for anyway favourte game
Virgil: Fnaf and cuphead
Roman: any Disney game or Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Me: Virgil I'm not surprised about yours but Roman I didn't know you liked Legend of Zelda? Anyway Patton and Logan your favourite game?
Patton: we play the Sims 4 with each other all time and I'm excited for pets to come out so I can have KITTIES!!!
Logan: calm down Patt
Patton: okie dokie logie
Me:so that's all the questions for today but remember to comment question for the sides, sandart or even me the author! Also make sure to say who the question is for for example you could have a question for two of the sides and Jon you would say for Logan Roman and Jon in brackets at the start of your comment well that's all for today guys gals and non-binary pal also I have a Patton rp account on Instagram called x.pattonlovesdoggos.x please also follow my voltron/klance account klancelover1220

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