chapter 1

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Sorry that I have only been publishing messages and stuff but well people are busy sometimes but this is the first chapter.....finally right? Oh yeah I will publish two chapters because I didn't publish yesterday. Well let's get straight into the chapter shall we?
Chapter 1. The girl
Alexander's pov
I saw that my "friends" were also surprised by my first word but they were quick to turn their surprised look into a smile and before I knew it I stood infront of the girl with Susan holding my hand. Susan asked the girl if she had some time to talk and I blushed as soon as the girl said:
"I always have time to talk to such a cute guy like the one you dragged here."
Susan looked at me and grinned when she saw I was blushing. The girl said:
"Just give me a second I have to do something first."
Then the girl walked away and Susan said to me straight away:
"See, I told you I would help you but I can't help you forever."
I looked at her and she knew I wasn't going to say anything to the girl so she sighed and said:
"Fine, I'll help you this time but then you have to do something for me."
I just nodded, we couldn't keep talking because the girl came back and said:
"Hey, my name is Lea, what about you guys?"
Susan looked at me and sighed, then she said:
"Hey, my name is Susan and this is my friend Alexander. He wanted to talk to you so you guys have fun talking because my brother is calling me."
I look at her in surprise but she just smiles and leaves. When I look back at Lea I see that she is looking at me and smiles. I then start to say:
"Hi, umm I...I wanted to umm say that I kinda like you and umm I'm sorry I can't do this."
Then I leave and Susan walks up to me but I just keep walking. Soon I get a text from Susan and it says:
"Sorry I left back there I just wanted to let you try yourself and I saw it worked.....kinda, so please forgive me."
I decided to forgive her so I replied by saying:
"Fine, I'll forgive you but just don't do that again because that went so wrong"
To my surprise she replied by saying:
"Why do you think that? I mean if it went so wrong then I wouldn't guess she wouldn't have come straight to me asking if I knew where you had run off to so come back to the school's cafeteria"
I went back and saw that she said the truth because Lea was sitting with my "friends" looking around for me. As soon as she saw me, she waved and I walked up to them. Liam said:
"Hey, Lea here is awesome, I mean if you don't end up with her I will"
Then Lea said:
Oh, dear Liam, you know that will never happen".
Then I said:
"Sorry Liam but it's true.hehe".
Lea said:
"Alexander, you are the cutest in school and I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. When you and Susan came to me, I was so happy but I had to get away from you before I would start being crazy but then I really wanted to talk to you so I came back and I hope you want to date me."
I was really surprised by her suddenly saying that and I saw that my "friends" were as well. Ethan said:
"Wow, that was surprisingly fast"
Then I said:
"Yeah it was really fast but are you sure you want to date me?"
Lea nodded and my "friends" smiles but then I heard Liam whisper to me saying:
"Well done dude, remember that if the two of you break up then make her come to me, just kidding....but still if it happens then please try"
Then we both laughed and kept talking to Ethan and the girls.
So that is the end of this chapter but the next one will be longer I promise.
So keep being you and that is awesome. I love you guys, please like and comment. If you want more stories then please follow my accounts.
Thanks for reading.

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