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I decided to do whatever the hell I wanted.

For the first SuperWhoLock script, I had tried to write in a disciplined fashion. I approached it as if I was a professional screenwriter who'd been given this strange job, serving so many corporate masters and the arcane rules of each IP. And I couched it under the guise of a "found script." 

In hindsight, I don't know why I did that last part. I figured it might draw a bigger crowd if they knew it wasn't just a silly fan script. And in that aspect, I might have been right. We had almost 200 people show up to hear it. Still don't know the exact number but the room was nearly full.  Knowing that, I was emboldened to push harder, be weirder, more jokes, more characters, more of everything. 

Something else had changed too. Instead of just gathering  some friends together to read, I decided to create a formal organization to do things like this. And thus Legible Scrawl was formed. (Find out more at As silly as it was, I approached it like it was a real thing. We had a FB group, a website, a twitter account, I went all out. The amazing thing was that people followed me! My friends were happy to get involved and become part of this wacky group, an organization that seemed designed to repel money. 

But we persisted. In the year of 2016, this group of writers, actors and none of the above put on several panels, two SuperWhoLocks (one of which you are about to read) and two...about a War in the Stars. More on that for another time...

Back to the matter at hand, the story I wanted to tell quickly bloomed, blossomed and expanded. I realized an hour long panel would not be enough for what I wanted to do. I asked the Programming Dept at Phoenix Comicon and they allowed me another hour. Then came the work, designing a part two that didn't require you to have heard part one or show up for part three. But it still had to tell a complete story and satisfy the fans of three (or more!) different shows. 

So, you know, a cake walk.

Instead of having the main characters this time, I wanted to get into the awesome extended casts of each show. It became a mix and match to see who would yield the most interesting conversations and situations.

(But my secret agenda was to redress what I feel was a great injustice in one of the shows. I think you'll understand once you read it.)

I'm pretty pleased with the final result. It's the greatest episode that will never be: SuperWhoLock - The Doctor Must Die! 

SuperWhoLock: The Doctor Must Die! (2)Where stories live. Discover now