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It has been a week since my family and I have returned from the woods. Also I have moquito bites evrywhere.It has also been a week since I have seen Beast. My life is still the same but yet diffrent.

It's like nothing is going wrong but it don't feel right. Oh well, I am never gonna see him again so might as well go back to enjoying life.

I am going to a bowling place with Micheal today. Him and his family returned from camping about two days ago and him and me have been talking everyday for hours since. My best friend and me are finally united and are unseperable now.

I decide it is time to get dressed since we are leaving at six thirty and right now it is five. I get in the shower and wash my hair with my vanilla bean shampoo and body wash. By the time I get out thirty minutes have passed. I decide to just do a wing, mascara, and red lipstick. After doing my makeup I pull on my black lace bra and panties,black shorts and a red graphic tank top with Marvel superheroes on them along with my black vans. I quicly put on my deodrant and also perfume.

I finish just on time as I hear Micheal knock on the door. I open it and see him dressed in a white shirt with a leather jacket,black jean sand black vans. Twinsies.

" Hey Papaya Maya" he says with a grin on a his face. Oh, how much I wanna slap it off right about now.

I really should not have eaten the papaya in front of him in 5th grade.

" Hi" I say back while giving him a glare.

We get going in his black Mercedes and arrive at the bowling place. It is a pretty big place. On the left and right are ten bowling lanes each and right the the middle is a snack bar and where you get your shoes.

I get my bowling shoes which look so old and worn down. We pick an empty lane next to the vending machines head to it. Him and me are very competitive so I am eager to see how this goes down. In middle school during gym him and me would be the last ones standing in dodgeball.

If anyone is gonna take that bitch down it was gonna be me.

" Be ready Papaya for defeat" he says while grabbing a black bowling ball and rolling it.

" Sure" I say and roll my eyes.

He rolls the ball and knocks down only three pins.


I smile at him sweetly and take my turn. All the pins are down. I turn around and see him with wide eyes and open mouth. I walk over to him and close his mouth while laughing.

" Bruh" he says

We keep going for about an hour and we are tied right now. If I can knock this all of the pins down in one shot I win.


All of them are down!

" The game was rigged!" Micheal exclaims while throwing his bowling shoes off in aggrevation.

" Honey just because you lost does not mean it is rigged." I tell him.

Micheal just shakes his head and walks off to return our shoes and I head out to the car with his keys.

As I and walking I feel an arm go around my waist and another cover my mouth. He pulls me back into the ally next to the bowling place.

" A pretty girl like you should not be be herself" Says a broken, scratchy voice causing me to cringe.

I turn my head and see a dirty man with brown eyes and a beard. He looked about forty. His clothes are all dirty and his hands smelled like vineager and eggs.

" Please leave me alone"

" Tsk. No, I think I might just enjoy you first."

I feel my heart drop and shatter into millions of peices. Tears are now coming down my face like a river.

"HELP!" I shout hoping Micheal or someone might hear me.

" Shut up hoe. No one is gonna help you." He says as he starts trying to unzip my pants and I am trying to get away.

I kick and punch but no avail. I am starting to loose all hope as I struggle aganst him.

Suddenly a breeze comes and the man is off of me.

I see the shadow of a well built man beating him down.

" Don't ever touch what is mine!" He says

I gasp. I know that voice all too well.


I run up to him and pull him away from the man because he might just kill him.

Once Beast has pulled back due to my hand pulling his arm, I look down and see the guy that tried to rape me and see that he is not moving. I touch his neck for a heartbeat but don't feel one.

" B-Beast, He is dead." I state. I feel the blood drain from my face and my hands go cold.

"Who cares, he is a rapist and he tried to rape you. I did him a favor by ending his life right here." He tells me as he pulls me up from the ground.

"Amaya! Where are you?" Shouts Micheal.

Oh so now you show up?

I look at Beast again and pull him into my embrace for a hug.

" Thank you. "

After that I just walk away and don't even look back. I reach Micheal and I just tell him I had gone to the bathroom before coming out. If tell him the truth than I expose Beast and if I tell him that I took him down he would never belive me.

After that we headed home and just chilled at his house to watch a movie. We were watching Central Intelligence and I was dying of laughter. Kevin hart and Dwayne Johnson are amazing. After the movie is finished Micheal drops me home. Mom and Dad are already asleep so I gotta be quiet.

I walk into my maroon colored room that has black picture frames decorating the walls with pictures of Micheal, me and other friends and family members in them. I put my phone on my Queen size bed that has black bedsheets with a maroon blanket. As you can tell these are my two favorite colors.

I change into my bed clothes which consisted of black cotton shorts and a oversized white tee shirt.

I open my window a little so the cool breeze can come in. I always need to sleep with fresh air cling into my room or else I can't even close my eyes for more than two minutes.

As soon as my bed hits the pillow I am out.

But my last thought before I fell asleep was why was Beast in the city? How did he find me?

The Possessive BeastWhere stories live. Discover now