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(13k wtf? anywho, this chapter is going to be different. hehe)

Meadow's POV:

it was currently March 12th. Hayley's birthday party was awesome. Madison was quite jealous and ended up coming to the party to crash it but security handled the situation. won't be seeing that bitch anytime soon. as of now, i was currently laying in bed watching netflix until my phone went off. the caller id told me it was Charli.

"hello?" i answered.


"what? why?"



i hung up the phone and frantically ran down the stairs trying to find my keys. i found them and then slid my shoes on and ran out the door to Charli's house. on the way, i called Skye and the boys to meet me there.

i pulled into her driveway and ran inside. i saw a struggling Charli huffing and puffing on the couch.

"Charli, are you okay?" i asked, calmly. i feared the rage of pregnant Charli.

"GET ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!" she yelled, angrily.

i helped her up and walked her slowly to the car. i got her in and drove quickly to the nearest hospital. the whole way there, she groaned and screamed cuss words. i parked in the round-about spot, real quick and helped her out. i yelled at someone to get a wheelchair and then a doctor came out and wheeled her away. i decided to stay back and wait for the others.

Skye arrived first, "is she okay?"

"i think so. she's really angry right now, though," i said, taking a deep breath.

"this is not good. she's only 23 weeks into her pregnancy."

"and that translates to?"

"6 months. she's 6 months pregnant and having a baby."

"how long is it supposed to be in there?"

"did you not pay attention in health, dumbass? it's supposed to stay in the womb for 9 months."

"oh. that's not good."

"no shit, sherlock."

we continued talking about the dire situation when Shawn, Carter, and Aaron came running up.

"where are the other boys?" Skye asked, before giving Shawn a peck on the lips.

"they'll be here soon. traffic," Aaron said. i nodded.

we all started to talk about our lives, clearly trying to ignore what's going on. you could definitely feel the tension in the air. soon the others found us and we headed inside.

"People with Ms. Charli Shaye," some woman in her mid 40's called out from the front desk. we all stood up.

"Only two of you can come," she stated. Skye and i stepped forward. 

she took us to an elevator and we waited patiently, listening to the cheesy music playing in the background. we finally reached our floor and the woman took us to room 357. we heard screams erupt from the room.

"are you sure we can go in there?" Skye asked.

"she asked for her two friends to be with her," she said and then walked away.

we opened the door and the screeches got louder.


Skye and i held in our laughs and went to stand next to her. the doctor told us that she is having a micro premature baby which means that the baby will need lots of support to finish growing. i was worried about Charli and the baby. through the anger, you could see fear and hope in her eyes. hopefully, they'll both be okay. the doctor told us she was dilated 4 inches so it'd be awhile until she gives birth.


it had been a long, gruesome 6 hours in that hospital room. Charli's contractions looked very painful and according to her, they were. every time she had one, she'd scream, cuss, or speak gibberish. she would also yell things like, "WHEN I SEE COLE I'M GOING TO RIP HIS DICK OFF SO HE DOESN'T INSERT HIS SPERM INTO MY BODY AGAIN!" yeah, it was a long couple of hours.

we would text the boys about what was happening and they stayed in the lobby the entire time. also, we texted Cole and he said that he booked the next flight from New York to California as fast as he could. Skye and i had very little amusement, besides Charli speaking gibberish and her yelling at us for laughing.

Charli was finally ready to conceive her child. we ran to her side and held her hands ready for her to squeeze them when she pushed. the doctor shouted push and she squeezed onto our hands so hard as she pushed. she kept doing that until the baby was finally out and crying. my hands were purple but that didn't matter at the moment. all that mattered was Charli's baby and Charli.

"it's a girl," the doctor smiled. the nurses came in and took her away and cleaned her up. she was brought back and wrapped in a pink blanket.

"she's stunning," Charli smiled and reached out to grab her child.

"what are you going to name her?" i asked her.

"Bailey Grace," she smiled.

"that's beautiful," Skye said.

"Charli, i have to talk to you about her." Charli looked at him. "your daughter isn't fully developed so she's going to be NICU, which is an intensive care unit for premature babies like her. she can't really breath on her own so she needs to be there for about 3 months or so-"

"3 months?" Charli's lip quivered. i could tell that she was very sad about leaving her baby here for 3 months.

"yes so i recommend getting your pictures now," he said. i texted the guys to come up. Charli handed me her phone to take a picture of her and Bailey Grace. i did and handed her the phone and she looked at it and smiled. 

the guys came up and their faces lit up at the little girl. they all got to hold her and cradle her. i could tell they loved babies. Matt was especially good with her. she snuggled into his arms.

"i think i know who the godparents are going to be," Charli said. "Matt and Meadow, i want you to be the godparents."

i was so excited to be her godparent. she was so delicate and sweet. i can't wait to spoil her and give her kisses and do everything that an aunt/godparent does.

soon the fun ended and Bailey Grace was taken to the NICU. i saw Charli wipe a few tears from her face. i squeezed her hand, signaling that it was going to be okay.


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