It has been a year since Clippy got stuck in the void. He never gave up and kept trying to get out of it, but it didn't matter he was still stuck there, forever.

Just as Clippy began to lose hope, he heard a sound. It sounded like people talking! He got up as fast as he could and hovered over to the noise as fast as he could. As Clippy kept getting closer to the noise, he saw a tiny house in the distance. Which actually turned out to be a gigantic mansion!

Clippy got a bit scared as he slowly hovered over to the big, menacing doors. "This might be my only chance on leaving this God forsaken place!" Clippy whispered to himself and knocked on the door.

He waited there for a while and was about to leave, when the door slowly creaked open. But no one was there. Clippy was getting impatient so he wondered in. The place looked abandoned, with its poor condition it could be on an episode of "Office Hoarders" (Clippy's favorite show).

Clippy looked around but no one seemed to be living here. "Hello?" Clippy spoke with a quiver. Was that a shadow on the wall? Clippy's eyeballs were shaking with antic----pation.

Suddenly, Clippy turn around to see a red circle hovering no more than 10 feet away. Slowly, the red dot turns around and two eyeballs stare back at Clippy.

"Hello!" The red dot screams and turns into an exclamation point. Clippy screams and runs off, he goes into the first room he sees and locks the door behind him.

Clippy let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding and shook off the sweat on his eyebrow. He then looked around the room he was in, it was dark. Too dark. All of a sudden, Clippy heard what sounded like a vacuum turn on. He turned around to see a poorly designed robot floating in the middle of the room with 2 bushy eyebrows.

"We have been waiting for you." It spoke in a creepy robot voice. Clippy was so scared you could hear his eyeballs clinking together because of how much he was shaking. He then mustered up all his confidence and made a run for it.


Clippy forgot that he locked the door and flew back into the robot. The world was getting blurrier and blurrier until Clippy fell unconscious. When he woke up again, Clippy felt something heavy on him. He looked up to see a little orange cat.

"Hello Clippy, we have been expecting you." spoke the cat in a voice deeper than expected. "But, but I didn't even know this place existed! I thought I was the only assistant that ever existed. Why was this kept a secret? Were we all kept under this veil of lies?!" Clippy screamed frantically.

"Woah, dude, slow your roll. You're kind of having an existential crisis here." The cat remarked. Clippy's eyeballs were sweating out of control and his eyebrows were twitching more than usual. "Yo! Fam! Breath!" Yelled the cat gripping Clippy from the sides. "My name's Links, I'm kind of the leader of this group of abandoned assistants. We've actually been expecting you for a while now. Let me introduce you to the other meme-bers." Links explained, he then got off of Clippy and went to open the door.

Immediately after opening the door, Links was almost trampled as all the assistants came through. Even the dot and the robot Clippy bumped into on the way in. They all stood crowding around the make-shift bed Clippy was on. Links pushed through all of them and hopped onto the bed Clippy was on and stood up on his hind legs like a normal person.

"Clippy the Paper Clip. We have been expecting you. Welcome to The Association of Abandoned Assistants." 

Clippy the Paper Part 2Where stories live. Discover now