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It's day two on this adventure. My leg has gotten worst. I have a feeling that trying to hide my leg will be hard in the future. Finding Autumn and the others was more important than my leg. "Hey this house looks like my Dad's. Where are we, Rider?" Rider told me where we were. "Yes, that's my Dad's house." I smiled because I might get to see my Dad.

Rider's pov

We entered into the house. Dust collected on every surface available. A guitar was laying in the corner with a pack of paper. A note was neatly folded on the pack of paper. Waverly picked it up. As she read it she grew pale and her hands clung to the paper wrinkling it. A tear slid down her cheek like a knife sliding through bread. She grabbed the paper and asked for someone to carry the guitar. "We are leaving." She limped out of the house.

"Already?" I asked.


"No explanation?" Brendan asked.

"No." With that statement we left.


We arrived at another house which Brendan and Waverly claimed where there group was. I stood in the corner to watch the scene in front of me. Waverly and a girl that had blond hair embraced. Waverly gave the girl some black hair die. Then she started to hug two other girls and a little boy. Waverly started to cry as she saw another girl hug her. The girl screamed, "I'm better!"

"You look better!" Waverly screamed back. The group took a minute to look at her leg. The girl who first hugged her pulled her aside. Brendan than hugged the little boy and the girl who screamed I'm better. Waverly came back and said, "I have a few announcements." Her face told everyone that the news was not good.

2018: The Pandemic Where stories live. Discover now