My Real Life Ken.

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so here i am again. "uh gross. sarah get a room". "what are u jelious of me and mike". she laughs her annoyingly high pitched laugh that she knows bothers me. "No sarah thats not it" i roll my eyes and grab the remote and pause the movie. we were tring to watch "defently,maybe" but that didnt last long with the two love birds. ugh they never stop kissing its not that im jelious its that they never stop. " yo. emily we didnt mean to upset u. really we didnt. hey sarah u wanna give emily her birthday gift early" mike looks between me and sarah and just chuckles. sarah gives him one last kiss and leaves the room. i sit awkardly while she was gone. it seemed like she took forever. we were at her house. i wonder if she got lost her house was pretty big.

she finelly arrived after what seemed like an eturinty.

sarah returns with this purple box rapped in a big blue ribbon. she hands it to me and smiles. " open it. it will make u feel not so lonley anymore" with out a another word she returns to mikes lap and turns and faces me. i slowly un wraped the bow and set it beside me on the sofa, i lift the lid and i gasped. in side the box was a guy ken barbie doll. it was blonde with blue eyes. whereing bluejeans and a tight black tee shirt. i slowly lift the doll out of the box, i look at and raise my eyebrow. " um....thanks. and what was with the comment mike. it makes no sence." mike just chuckles and lifts sarah off his lap like she was a doll herself and places her beside him and walks over to the sofa and sits down beside me. he reatches inside the box and pulls out and old looking pice of paper and hands it to me. "here read this and it might make u understand why i said what i did" i look up from the paper at him. he smiles and resumes his spot on the love seat with sarah. i look back at the pice of paper, it read:

your real life doll,

hello my name is kenith in order for me to care for you, you need to care for me first. kiss me three nights in a row eatch time u go to sleep and on the third night i will be yours to forever charish un til the day you die.

i look at sarah and mike. " is this some kind of joke, this can not be for real?" they both laugh at my reaction sarah pirks up " em, listen to me. i bought this doll from some old lady. she said that she was dying and wanted to find it a good home and she told me this old folks tale about how it comes to life. anyways i bought it so she would leave me alone. so. i gave it to u because i already have my ken" she smiles at mike and give gim a quick kiss on the lips. i look at the doll and compare it with mike. yes mike was good looking he had dark shaggy brown hair. gourgious blue eyes and a lovley smile and one heck of a six pack but what do u get he is a football player. i closly look at the doll " kenith" was not a bad looking doll benith his black tee shirt u could make out his hard mussles on his torsso and........... i stoped my self and noticed how life like the doll really looked compered to other dolls i have sceen. especially barbie dolls. i look up from the doll and noticed sarah and mike stareing at me. " whats wrong? " sarah asked. " nothing. i kust relized how life like it looked. its kinda freacky" i quickly replied.

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