Chapter 2

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so later on that day emily exhausted was lying on her bed when all of a sudden Erica came bursting through our bedroom door. "ughhhhhh i can't fucking belive that whore!!" she sounded pissed about something thats for sure. i pulled my pillow that i placed on my head to block the bright streaming sunlight off my face and i looked over at my sister. Erica was face down on her kiss band blanket witch she got for our last years birthday. she had one leg hanging off her bed ,u could still see she was wearing her motercycle boots and her helmat was on the floor obviously she kicked into the night stand beside her bed. her jacket was tossed carelessly on the floor as well. i seen her looking at me. " what the fuck are u stareing at?" she asked. she sounded really anoyed now. shit. " is everything ok Erica" i asked. she gave me her death glare with her cunning deep blue eyes. she sat up and ajusted her iron madian shirt. pulled her long blonde hair out of her ponytail and attached it to her sckull belt buckle." no everything is not ok Emily," she said in a mocking voice. i didnt say a word so she continued. " mom is going to be selling my harley. she cant do that. i bought it with MY money not hers!!!!!, ughhhhh. i knew mom didnt like the thing but its my bike. a guy from tronto is picking it up the day after our birthday party. what should i do he already bought it" Emily just looks at her sister in pure sadness. Erica is my twin. my sister im just as devistaed as she is. how could mom be so curl and hartless. well our dad did die when we were 12 in a motercycle accident. so understand both feelings. "i dont know Erica............," i start out " you knew when u got that thing 3 months ago mom was bound to get rid of it sometime. i just shocked as you are that she did this right under your nose" Erica looks up at me with a smerk" i know what i could do is explain to the guy when he gets here that sorry it wasnt my moms to sell and im not interested in selling have a nice day" she crackes her knuckles to emphasize the nice day part. i smile thats Erica for you. she has always been the tough one out of me and her. she is in to metal bands and i like rock n roll. i do like her music and vise versa but we have our personal prefrences. i look down at the doll that sarah and mike gave me. its not really my thing having dolls lying around. i look at my sisters part of the room its messy yes but there is a soft part of her. she has teddy bears wearing band t-shirts that she out grew and refused to give away and old dolls that we used to share but i out grew that. compared to my side of the room its as if she is still a child. my side is neat i have a bookself. we each have a desk. you can tell we have to differnt living styles thats for sure. i place the doll on her desk. and i leave the room.

As soon as Emily left the room i picked up the doll she placed on my desk. i looked at it. it was cute but to realistic looking. i scoundged in the box she took it out of. there was a paper explaining that it was mine to care for three nights then it would come real. i just chuckled this cant be real. well i "kissed it goodnight" and threw Kenith back in his box in witch he came from. i grabed my jacket from the floor and my motercycle helment and slamed my bedroom door on my way out to take my bike for one of our final rides.

Erica came tumbling down the stairs a few minutes after me and slamed the front door behinder. i guess she is trying to ride her bike before it goes. were going to be 18 in two days. ugh febuary 5th is coming by so fast. i wonder whats going to happen after our party. theres only one way to find out suck it up and waite to see what happens.

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