e i g h t

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Tyler's POV
It's been a couple of days and Y/n still hasn't waken up. I'm starting to get really worried. I've been at her side the whole time. I've barely gotten any sleep or anything to eat. I stare at Y/n. "Y/n, if you can hear me. Please wake up. Please come back to us. Please come back to me." I started crying. Then, the door opened. I look up and see Mark. He gives off a comforting smile. "Hey." I sniffle, drying my tears.

"Hey, are you crying?" I shake my head and he walks over. "Tyler, don't lie to me. You were crying, right?" I nod slowly. He motions me to get up, I do so and he hugs me. More tears trickle down my cheeks. He steps back and I wipe tears once again. He pulls out a McDonald's bag and hands it to me. I thank him and begin eating.

I glance at the clock, 9:53 pm. I sigh and rub my eyes. I hear the click of the door, I turn and see Ethan. A smile goes across my lips and I go over to hug him. "Tyler, you look really tired. Maybe, I should watch over Y/n for now?" I was unsure for quite a bit of time. I look at him and nod. I go over to the couch on the other side of the room, falling asleep as soon as I laid down.

Y/n's POV

It was black. I couldn't see anything. Then, there was a flash. I was back home, in Cincinnati. I was a kid again, playing outside with Tyler and Mark. Giggling, running, everything was fine, really.

Then there was another flash. I was in school, the bell went off and I went to go find Tyler. I see Mark again, we smile and Tyler comes up. We all start walking home.

Another flash. I was in high school now. I was walking to the football field after school. I quietly passed by until I saw something. It was Mark, in his football gear, kissing Amy in the way I was going. I walk passed them, tears in my eyes.

Lastly, another flash. All I saw was Tyler sitting in a chair, crying his ass off. I felt my stomach drop and everything faded away.

I pry my eyelids open, adjusting to the brightness. I hear annoying beeps, like a heart monitor. Wait, was I in the hospital? Who brought me here? I finally open my eyes and see a tuft of blue hair sitting by my side. Ethan starts smiling. "You're awake! Hallelujah, you're awake!" He yells, taking me into his embrace. He slightly puts his weight in my left arm. "Ow!" I screech. He instantly pulls away, worryingly.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." I smile at him, shaking my head.

"It's okay." I shift myself. "How did I get here?"

"Tyler brought you here. Oh! Speaking of which." He walks to the couch, where Tyler was sleeping. "Tyler! Tyler, wake up!" He groans. "Y/n's awake!" He jumps up at sound of my name. He looks towards me, a smile going from ear to ear. He runs over, giving me a hug. He pulls away, crying. I wipe away his tears. "Don't cry. It's all okay." He steps back.

"No it's not." I furrow my brows and tilt my head. "Why'd you do this?" There's that pit feeling in my stomach again. I gulp, not making eye contact with anyone. The whole room got quiet. You can hear a pin drop in here. I look up at Tyler, his eyes filled with curiosity, not the good kind though. I look at Ethan, the same expression.

"Uh, you see. The thing is th-" I was cut off.

"Cut to the chase." Tyler says, fiercely. I breath out.

"I thought that I was the root of all of the problems that happened. Especially, Amy and Mark taking a break." The mouths drop open. I kept playing my hands, staring at my lap. I didn't feel like making eye contact with anyone, nor did I want to. I hear the door open. It was Mark, he stops in his tracks.

"He- Y/n! You're awake!" He runs over and gives me a hug, with a smile ever so bright. A smile goes across my lips as well. "How are you? Are you okay?" I nod. Then, I see Ethan and Tyler standing there, awkwardly. "Wait, isn't the doctor supposed to come in after you're awake?" Tyler and Ethan's mouths make an 'o' shape, then Tyler presses the button to call a nurse.

"Alright, so you're good to go. But, remember to take your medicines." The doctor smiles. We nod thanking him. He walks out and we walk out shortly after. We walk out to the parking lot, Tyler stops me. "I'll bring the car out front." I nod and he walks away, leaving me alone with Ethan. He gives me a side hug. "Are you sure you're okay now?" His blue eyes stare into my (e/c) eyes. I nod, slowly. I hear a car honk, Tyler was right in front of us. I walk to the passenger seat, as I reached to open the door, Ethan opened it for me. I got in after thanking him, we buckled our seat belts and Tyler began driving home.

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