f o u r t e e n

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"Who was that guy?"

I let Chica go. "Uh. He uh. H-He's an old friend from high school." I saw him roll his eyes. "Bullshit. I can see you were crying. What happened?"

"You wouldn't care. You weren't even a part of my life back then." I snapped. He exhaled. "I care about you. Now tell me what he did and who he is." He gritted his teeth. Yes, I was intimidated. But, I didn't let him get to me.

"Again, you didn't care then. You wouldn't care now. Your precious Amy had you blinded." He forcefully grabbed my arm. My eyes widen, I gulped. He sighed, letting go.
"Sorry, I just... I guess it's true. But, who was that guy? Please, Y/n. Please tell me." His eyes filled with guilt and worry.

"Remember John Barton?" He nodded. Then, he was taken back. He clenched his jaw, balling his hands into fists. "So, you're the one he used to bully with his boys. That bitch." He brushed passed me, walking out. "No! Mark!" I yelled. He didn't stop. He started looking for John.

His eyes locked onto him, he started walking towards him. "Mark! Stop! Please, Mark!" I ran after him. John saw him walking towards him. He stood up. Mark was going to punch him, I came in front of him. He saw me and put his hand down. "Don't." He furrowed his brows. "Why? He tormented you. Why not repay him?" I stepped away.

"Mark, fighting fire with fire isn't gonna' work. So, just leave him alone." He stepped back, nodding. I turned around, I saw John smirking. I scoffed, walking away with Mark. I turned around for a split second. I saw John staring at me, staring at my ass. I took a sharp breath and continued walking home.

Mark opened the door to see a very worried Tyler. "Where were you guys?! We were worried sick!" We? I saw no one else. We heard noises upstairs. Then, moans. We looked at each other for a good minute. I run up the stairs. Sounds like someone's having sex. "Hmmmmm, Amy!" What the fuck. I look at Mark, tears trickling down his face. He walks in front of us, opening the door. We see Amy and a man, naked in bed. "Mark! Uh-I-uh can explain!" She uses the sheets to cover herself. So does the man. Tyler and I were in awe. Well, I was. Tyler had a 'I told you so' look mixed with anger.

He stepped into the doorway, breathing heavily and tears still pouring. "Get out." He says calm, but furiously. Amy still sat there. "I said, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I was really scared now. I put my hand on his shoulder, he started to calm down. "But, Mar-"

"Don't YOU 'But Mark' me! You have three days to leave this house... and my life." He choked on the last three words then, ran off. I looked at Tyler, he motioned me to follow Mark. So I did.

I found him in his recording room, sitting on the floor and clutching his knees. I walked over to him, sitting down next to him. I put my arm around him. He leaned into me. I tried my best to wipe away his tears. "T-Tyler was r-right." He sniffled. "S-She was cheating." I rubbed his bicep. "She doesn't deserve you if she did that. You deserve someone much better. Someone who actually cares. Someone who isn't perfect. But, is perfect for you." I looked at him, he was staring. He was staring into my eyes, he was staring at my lips. He was staring.

Mark's POV
I took in everything I could. She was beautiful. No! I can't get into a relationship after what just happened. Maybe later. She caught me. I sighed and looked down. "You're right. I don't know if she's coming soon. Or she may have come already." I looked at her, I rested my head on her shoulder. I heard small footsteps coming towards the room. Chica popped her head in. An instant smile went across my face.

She ran over to us, sitting on both of our laps. I started petting her and she licked my face. I laughed. "I'm gonna' go now." No, don't leave. "So, if you need anything. You can call me okay?" A small smile went across my face. I nodded and she left.

I sat there, pondering. Was I not enough for Amy? Did she want sex? I mean, she could've asked. What was I lacking that made her want to cheat? Am I not desirable? Am I not a good boyfriend? I don't think so. I never really asked for that matter. I kept chasing her, only to be stabbed in the back. I was so stupid. I need someone who actually cares.

You have Y/n.

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