Caius Falls in Love with a Werewolf (Part #1)

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Your P.O.V:

Greenery blurred past as you ran through the field of tall grass. The sun was barely visible above the mountains, making it darker and harder to see. Of course, you had night vision, but it limited your sight more. Every now and then, a tall blade of the grass would get tangled in your legs, but you'd just rip it out of the dry soil with ease. The forest ahead was getting closer and closer, and you heard the repeating wolf howls. 'Y/N, hurry!' the familiar voice echoed in your head. 'Im running as fast as I can' you managed to think, hoping your pack member would hear. You belonged in a pack of werewolves somewhere in a forest in Italy. Your pack found you powerful and valuable, but they weren't controlling over that fact. You had a special gift: You could phase throug things, but only in your human form. Basically, you could walk through walls or other solid objects, but you had to hold your breath. No one knew why, but they believe that it was a gift granted by the spirits of your tribe. Anyways, of course, living here was a major risk. You happened to be in the same country as the most powerful vampire coven in the world: The Volturi. Fortunately, they haven't been in your way or bothered you for the last couple of decades. They probably didn't know you existed, which was like a new world record. Until now. For some reason, they had decided to enter the territory which your pack claimed. And your supposed "stench" was easy enough to catch a whiff of for them.

As you entered the forest the howling seemed to get louder. 'Y/N, we need every pack member to stand with us and fight!' Y/F/N thought. 'I'm in the forest!' you thought back. Dang, wolf telepathy was darn annoying in a way. Y/F/N had heard you, and was now calling out to more of the members. 'Y/N, meet us at that tree we used to play on when we were little,' Y/F/N thought, and you changed your course of direction.

As you slowed your pace down, finding that you were at the tree, various wolves from your pack were surrounding around. It looked like every member of the tribe and council had arrived, even the more elderly ones. Coats of fur of different colors were visible everywhere, and everyone seemed to be in wolf form. Then, your heard them. Quite and stealthy as they seemed, they didn't fool your hearing. All your other pack members had heard them too, and were growling deeply. 'Ew! Vampire smell!' you heard one of your pack members muttering (in their mind), and you sniffed the air. But you didn't smell anything. You sniffed again, but still, nothing described as "sickly sweet and cold smelling". Then, the Volturi emerged from the shadows.

You knew that you have felt fear before, but that was nothing compared to them. Their black cloaks made each of the crimson-eyed vampires look like a shadowy demon from the depths of hell. Every single one of their faces had the same dark expressions on, truly frightening you. Then, all at once, they lowered the hood of their cloaks. The leader of the pack growled viciously, warning them to leave. The short blonde girl in front just smiled. "Pain," she said, and suddenly, your leader was on the ground, thrashing and howling in pain. You gulped, and your telepathy allowed you to hear everyone else's thoughts, all revolving around the same word: Fear. They were all utterly terrified. The blonde vampire was smiling evilly, when someone from behind her spoke. "Jane," a sweet yet venomous voice spoke. She turned around, and your leader sprang back onto his paws. He growled even louder now. "I believe," the cloaked man behind her started, stepping out from the back,"That I'm the one in charge." The blonde girl just nodded, and took a step back, letting their leader step in front. Then, he lowered his hood. Your heart seemed to leap a mile above the ground, and land back into your chest with a splat. He was the most striking being you have every seen. Like most of the vampires, his skin was a smooth and white pale. His eyes seemed to be the most darkest shade of red out of them all. Maybe he was just thirsty. Not a single strand of his white and blond hair was out of place, cut exactly at his shoulders. His perfect features were absolutely stunning, and his lips were curved upwards into an evil smile. He held onto a flaming torch, yet he seemed to hold it out a fair distance away from his body. Then, the world seemed different. Reality now felt like an illusion, a dream, and gravity didn't seem to be holding you to the ground anymore. Then, you realized with a striking fear. You had just imprinted. You had imprinted on Caius Volturi, one of the three kings to vampires, and a werewolf's worst nightmare.

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