Pezza <3

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Chapter I

Good Mornin. Jesy declared as she enters the door of their office. "All the flowers and souvenirs delivery done, events scheduled done and three bouquets of flower delivered just for you. Jesy continued.

From whom? Perrie asked while she glued her eyes on the monitor.

This one was from Mr. McMillan the owner of the venue we rented last week do you remember? Jesy asked, Perrie nodded still her eyes glued on the monitor.

He's too old for you. Jesy continued and raise the other bouquet of roses.

That one from? Perrie asked.

From Alex, omg! He is so hot! Jesy giggled.

What about that one? Perrie asked and while putting her lipstick on.

From Zayn. Jesy replied with her wry face. Are you okay?

Yeah, why shouldn't I? Anyway I have to meet Mrs. Holmes she's one of our best client. Perrie declared and put on her belted wool look coat.

Scheduled tomorrow! Jesy answered.

Okay,I'll be gone for awhile and I'll be back at 2pm. Perrie said, she throw all the bouquet of flowers inside the bin. Sorry about that flower."

Whatever you want it to do.Jesy replied as she sat down in front of her laptop.

Perrie left the building with her baby blue Ford mustang GT. She pulled over at the park and take a walk to get some fresh air.Once people got passed the fact that she's a head turner. In a pair of black ripped jeans and white sunwash Tee, matching a black fedora and leather boots. Perrie's blue eyes could freeze hell over, her long blonde hair that makes her looks stunning. She slowed down a little bit, thinking about her past Zayn the love of her life, her ex fiance cheated on her while she's on a preparation of their wedding. Head over heels ,deeply madly in love with each other. Every single moment of her life she's asking herself "what went wrong?what happened? a fairytale like relationship that broke her into a million pieces two years ago. Zayn still on his best to win her back and wanted them start a new life together. She tried not to let the particulars of her existence get her down too much. It didn't matter that she's single. It didn't matter that her house is quiet. Instead of feeling miserable she changed her path and found California as the perfect place to find herself. Sweat blood and tears she finally found her happiness as she build up her own firm a Flower & Bridal Shop with her friend Jesy. She's an Event planner & Interior decorator at the same time. It was the life Perrie Louise Edwards had chosen- she was getting exactly what she wanted, to have her life back.

Early in the morning she awaken by a snooze of her alarm clock. She rushed into the shower, standing in front of the full length mirror in her bathroom and relax enough to admire what she saw. Tousling her wet hair and practicing a self conscious smile that showed her teeth- the white perfectly straight teeth. She put on her clothes and started to put her make up and lipstick on. Bothered with her phone that keeps ringing inside her pouch.

Sweetie? Her mother on the other line exclaimed.

Good morning mom. I'm sorry for not calling I really have a lot of arrangement to do. Perrie continued.

I missed you! Mrs. Edwards declared. Please come home!

I do missed you too. I'm happy here. Perrie replied. I'll call you later mom I have to go. She continued and took her car key and trudged down into the garage. Thinking about her mother that calls her twice a day just to convince her to go back to UK.

On her way to the shop she pulled over in Chocolate Wings Cafe, where she used to have her morning latte. Everyone in the cafe glance up at her after the blink of an eye they turned back to their coffees.
Good Morning, a cup of latte please? Perrie declared, she caught the young lad, one of the cafe crew staring at her. When the guy found out he was caught he pretended talking to a young lady crew beside him, Perrie never seen that young woman in a cafe before, maybe she's new. That woman could be a model there's a fairness in her dark brown eyes those beautiful eyes matching a brunette hair, a perfect match that will makes every men fall.

Enjoy your latte miss. The cashier declared with a smile.

Thank you.

Perrie walked out the cafe then she took a sip of her latte with a smile thinking about that young lady at the cafe.

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