Ch 2, A New Light

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The sunlight shown through the lichen in the den as I arose from my sleep.
What time exactly it was I did not know but either way I knew that the others were out doing their duties. I didn't want to get in their way, after all I'm here because of their kindness.
I lay there in a half awaken state, stretching my limbs out and letting a long yawn escape.
"Why, why does it have to be this way?" I whispered to myself. The unpleasant memories stirring in my mind of my short life in the Coal group.
I knew that was in the past but I couldn't help dwelling on them, for it where I was born....
My eyes were becoming watery, I quickly whiped them away with my paw.
"So this is the little soldier Oceanbreeze brought in yesterday," a voice giggled from the den's entrance.
I squinted my eyes as the bright morning light met them directly, I was able to make out a figure of unfamiliar Skyjolt standing there. Its shadow stretched in front of it, almost reaching me.
"And who are you supposed to be?" I groaned, bring my gaze down a but out of the direct sunlight.
"Well aren't you just enthusiastic to know about little ol' me!" The Skyjolt chuckled, padding towards me and out of the blinding light in which masked its appearance.
Standing in front of me was a light blue female Skyjolt with pure white feathered wings, her blue eyes looking down at me with a teasing glint to them.
"Well since you asked newbie, I am a trainee named Frostedflower. What's your name squirt?" She smiled.
"Its Night, and hey what's with all these ridiculous nicknames you keep calling me!" I huffed, slightly irritated.
Then she snickered, then broke out laughing.
"Hey you dont have to get all defensive about it alright! I was just messing with you!" She giggled with a big goofy grin.
I smiled back at her and laughed a bit myself.
"You're not all that bad Night, I think you'll fit right in here," she said cheerfully, her blue eyes gleaming with light.
I let out a long sigh as she calmed down from her fit of laughter.
"Why don't we go somewhere more exciting Night, I want to introduce you to someone!" Frostedflower purred.
"Aww but. I thought this den was better than anywhere else!" I teased raising myself onto my paws.
"Well that's too bad, now come on." She shouted, turning around and scampering outside.
I wanted to follow her out there, but something was holding me back, my fear. What will the other Skyjolts think of me, the new weak outsider? Will they reject me just like the Coal group, or will I be punished for my ungratefulness the other day?
My fears crowded my mind, blocking out my optimism and stirring up even greater anxiety. What could I do? I was alone, nobody really cares about me... Is she just tricking me too...
Suddenly Frostedflower's loud voice broke through my overwhelming thoughts, "Oh come on slow poke, the others are here to see you!"
All my fears fell apart then and there, her voice had freed me from their suffocating grasp. I could hear the many other voices of Skyjolts, mixed together they sounded like the birds, chirping away. She wasn't lying, they really were there waiting!
I rose from my nest and made my way to the entrance of the den, having to close my eyes shut because of the blinding light. When I opened them I saw about ten other Skyjolts all around me, they were all looking at me with kind and understanding gazes.
"What I'd tell you Night, they all want to meet you!" Frostedflower grinned.
"Welcome home, Night!" They all shouted joyously in unison.
I felt shy all the sudden, I had never felt so.... welcomed in my life anywhere. I searched amount the many Skyjolts I still didn't know, spotting Oceanbreeze standing beside the one she called Dawnscolor, who was standing with a more of a sense of pride than the others. I then recalled her telling me that he was the leader of these Slyjolts, no wonder he looked the part!
"Night, we all want to let you know that you're not alone in the trials you've have had to face recently. Like you, we were all discriminated and abandoned by either the Ice or Coal groups, but that is behind us now because we now live in our own home together." Dawnscolor announced loudly, the other Skyjolts falling silent and turning their gases on him.
"We stand by our own laws and ways here, no life is greater then or less than one another here. So we all hope for you to grow and become strong as a member of the Mix group." He concluded, his blue eyes glinted with excitement as they looked down at me.
After a few minutes of friendly smiles and quick introductions, the other Skyjolts all dispersed and went back to their daily routines. I still sat in outside the den, grateful for the kindness they all showed me.
"That wasn't so bad now was it?" Frostedflower snickered, her eyes had that mischievous look in them.
"Would you stop teasing me already? I might just keel over the next time you do!" I chuckled.
"Well that would be awful, but I have someone I would like you to meet Night!" She tipped her head over to the left.
I turned to see a black female Skyjolt with dark gray wings padding up to sit by Frostedflower.
"This is Moon, she's a bit shy but don't worry cause when you really get to know her she's really fun." Frostedflower introduced excitedly.
Moon sat there not looking me straight in the eyes, her paws fidgeting back and forth. Her gray eyes seemed so dark and mysterious, which made me wonder...
"Well come on you two, I want to show Night our secret paradise!" Frostedflower meowed, standing up and already leading the way towards the camp exit.
It was still light out, probably around later afternoon almost evening. In front was Frostedflower, her tail waving back and forth excitedly as she pranced along the trail.
As she hummed happily, I glanced at Moon out of the corner of my eye, she was slightly humming the same tune as her optimistic friend.
"We're here!" All the sudden Frostedflower exclaimed, she bounded around in the grass.
I stopped and took my eyes off them, around me were leafy trees and through them shone the sun, it's rays creating little golden spotlights through the leaves.
I looked back over at Moon, she was smiling. Her gray eyes seemed so far away like if you were dreaming, yet they seemed so sad....
Then I turned to Frostedflower, she was smiling with a peaceful look on her face. Her blue eyes sparkling and gleaming with the sunlight, making them all the more beautiful.
This was what I wanted, a peaceful life with others, to live in bliss. That day a new light lit up my world and has stayed that way till the end...

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