Ch 1, Alakor

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'Why mother, why are you doing this!' I scram. "Why are you letting them do this to me!" Tears streaming down my face.
"Because your a Alakor!" She spat the word Alakor and turned away walking past the crowd watching me be taken away.
I stare in horror as I was dragged out of the camp and abandoned outside the camp premises.
Suddenly a blinding light surrounded me out of the blue and I felt myself being taken far away from where I once called home. Then next moment I lay on the ground crying not knowing what to do, the world around me seemed to turn slowly and everything was filled with sadness. "Why me, why why why why why!" I wept.
After a while I forced myself to sit upright and look around. My eyes met the bright vibrant greens and golden colors of the forest around me, my ear picking up the cheery birdsong and leaves rustling in the slight breeze. It was beautiful, apparently unlike me who has been abandoned by his own home and family.
I began weeping again ans tucking my head under as to try to disappear so I wouldn't have to feel this pain.
"I am sorry, this world is unfair and unjustly in so many ways." I looked up to see a female Skyjolt with a blue pelt and white feathers. "Hello little one, it looks like you just were taken out of your camp, you must be very shocked and upset."
"But there's no need to worry, you are one of us now so come along." She said in a sweet kind voice.
"Who is us, and why should I?" I moaned, unsure if what she said was on fact the truth.
"We are the Mix group where Skyjolts with unusual pelts and powers live in peace and tranquility. And you have nowhere else to go, so join us and you will be treated like family and we will train you." She nudged me softly.
After that moment I became I Skyjolt of the Mix group, I learned the names of my camp mates and learned the rules of the group. At last I found a true home, one that I wouldn't be rejected from and live I sorrow and loneliness. I was only a small kit then and so I was set as a trainee when I joined, I didn't get along very well at first because I was the youngest trainee and the others probably thought I was spoiled for becoming one at my early age. But over time I knew I would earn their respect and become friends or just good camp mates, but that would again take time.
For now I will do my best to prove that I am not a burden to those around me and took me in when I was cast away by the Coal group. When I arrived in the camp the female Skyjolt told me that her name was Oceanbreeze and that she was the deputy of the Mix group, then a male Skyjolt padded toward us nodded and whispered to Oceanbreeze then turned away and padded to his den. After that Oceanbreeze told me that was our leader, Dawnscolor and that he was going to allow me to join them. The other Skyjolts stood looking at me from afar and they put out the feeling of distrust and uncertainty that followed me until Oceanbreeze showed me to the trainees den. I thanked Oceanbreeze as she headed out and finally I was out of the gazes of the other Skyjolts and alone for the time being.
"Finally, now that this happened what will happen now?" I said to myself calmly. " The other Skyjolts are probably discussing who will be my mentor and teacher then also about me."
"That's right, they are indeed newbie." A voice and paw steps sounded from behind me at the entrance and I turned to face the Skyjolt. "I just had to see him for myself and I have so I leaving," The young female Skyjolt mewed then raced away.
Sighing I knew that I still was new and all, but it as expected the other trainees will treat me differently from each other and it already got to me. I know that I must bear through it and I cant let anyone know that I am hurting inside and my true feelings about everything, I must prove myself loyal and trustworthy. Even through the hard times and the miserable ones too, I mustn't get to close to anyone for their sakes.

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