The Smartphone

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      "Hey Johnny- what... is that?" Roy said walking into the rec room. He slowed as he reached the table that his partner was at.
     Johnny's face glowed from a tiny screen below him on a black box. It was thin and it looked shiny and metallic.
      "Huh? Oh... well, it's a smart phone." John said scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. Roy stared in wonder. "A smart phone?" He asked, "How can a phone be smart? It's a machine!"
      "Hey! What's this?" Chet asked as he suddenly came up behind John and tried to steal away the "smartphone" John jerked his hands away only to find he had placed his device in Roy's hands.
      "Stop it!" Johnny said snatching it back and going to sit on the brown leather couch. "Aww come on Johnny. We just want to know what it is!"
      Gage sighed. "Ok, fine. Just don't touch it... you'll smudge it." Chet and Roy sat on either side of John and crowded in the see the tiny screen. "So" Chet said after a while, "how does it work?"
      John shifted uncomfortably. "Well... I don't know..." he admitted with a sniff. He tried shaking it. Nothing happened. He searched for a nob like on the TV. Nothing but little grooves on the side.
      "This smartphone is boring..." Roy said. Johnny waved his hands "Just- would ya just give a minute! Yeesh!" He moved his dark hair away from his eyes. "Come on you peice of junk! Work! Are you seri-"
     The device beeped and voice came across. They yelled and jumped back. "Johnny I don't think you should have said that! What if it has feelings?" "Oh Chet don't be such a baby!" Johnny replied though even he was afraid to touch the box now.
       "What does that button in the middle do? The one that looks like a house?" Roy asked. Johnny shrugged and just barely touched it. They stared in wonder as it brought them back to the previous screen.
      "Hey! What's this do?" Chet asked and clicked on the icon that looked like a tiny phone. A keypad popped up. "Guess ya type in a number and it calls people! Not bad!" Johnny replied no longer disappointed. "Guess you have to touch it" Roy laughed.
      Gage ignored his partner's jokes and proceeded to click on a camera icon. John gasped and nearly droped the phone. "It's... it's us... in the screen thingy" he said and they all huddled in closer before he pressed another button where the screen flashed and froze on their faces. "It seems to be some sort of backward camera... cool" Roy said impressed.
      Marco ran into the room and skidded to a halt at seeing his friends making faces at a box. "Uh guys... what are you doing?" He questioned stepping back. "Taking pictures" they replied in unison. "Oh..." They've all  gone completely Loco! Momma always said the heat would get to us.
      Marco shook his head to clear it and held up a clipboard. "Hey check this out!" He exclaimed, once again excited, "I came up with a great idea for a movie! I'm calling it... Frozen" He swept his hand out in a wide gesture.
      Chet, John, and Roy looked up from the phone expecting him to continue. "Frozen what?" Roy asked at last. "Just Frozen. You see, it'll be about an Ice queen and her sister-" John waved his hand to stop Marco.
      "Wait wait wait. This sounds like a total flop already"
      "What? You havn't even heard it yet!"
      "Hash tag, it'll never work"
      "Hash tag? Johnny it's even gonna have a great song in it! Let it go!"
      "Let what go?" Roy inturupted but John once again cut in. "Look. Marco. Pal. Trust me! There's as much chance of that becoming a movie as their is of- of- of Mike Stoker becoming an actor and a firefighter-"
      Mike looked up "huh?" "I mean, that's like saying Dr. Brackett was actually a cowboy when he was younger!" Marco pointed a finger at the young paramedic.
      "Now see here Gage-"
      "Wait, who said my name-"
      "Marco it isn't gonna-"
      "It will!"
      "Who- now wait a minute!"
      "No it will not!
      Roy and Chet stepped back as the argument continued and grew more jumbled. Kelly nudged the red hair paramedic. "Ya know somethin Roy?" "What?" "I don't think that smartphone made him any smarter."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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