✨🐱✨🎵Hana no Kaze🎵✨🐱

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I just stepped one foot out the door of the mansion, and I already felt a yank on my chain.

* Chkk!*

"!" I froze, feeling the pressure of my choker being pulled from behind. "Not so fast there. I can't let you run away. If I let you run away, and you got lost. What kind of a owner would I be?"

( Tch...I wish to slap him now, for get about him being nice for a second. He is just a annoying man.) I hissed in my thoughts.

" I won't run." I spoke.

"Mh...?" Kazuma walked to face me, he held the silver chain in his palms, as he looked me in the eyes.

"What did you say?" He questioned.

" I said, I won't run." I spoke back.
"Hmmmmm.....and why should I believe that?" It was like he was mocking me.

"Because, even if a owner drops the pet's chains, it will not run." I tried to mess with his mind a little. I was smarter than he thought.
His violet eyes jumped. " H-hey..! girl do not speak to me like that." His voice was stern.
He yanked my chain.

* CChkk!*

"Mh..!" I fell forward, touching down at his arms. (!!! UGH!!!) I tried to move, but he pulled my neck soo close to him, I could only look into his eyes in disgust. I held a blank face, as he smirk into mine.

"Okay, here is the deal. I will not yank you're chain. In fact I will let go of it, but if you run, or wander to far away. I will pull....." He narrowed his eyes.

I nod." Fine by me." ( Heh....so that's how its going to be.)

( T-this girllll is soo annoying...!.....she is trying to mess with me......why won't she just sit like a doll and shut up...?) He scowled in his mined.

*Chhk...* I heard the sound of my chain drop. I looked down. He let go. "Fine lets go then." He turned on his heel and walked.

"!" I was shocked, he actually let go.( W-why would he? Ugh....his personality is soo........) I didn't even have words to describe him.

I quickly caught up, and walked behind him. My skirt swayed a little in my breeze, along with my hair.


I found myself in a public park. ( Wow this is a surprise, I never thought he would just go here.)

There where a few people here and there. They all kept their distance from each other, doing their own thing, living their happy normal life.
Then there was me, I was Kazuma's cat.....I had this chocker on my neck....a chain attacked to it.

"Sit here." Kazuma breathed. " Don't move." With that he walked off.

".....finally.....alone..." I smirked a little seeing him walk away. He must be testing me or something.
It was peaceful and quiet. Warm and gentle wind. I smiled a little.
I looked down seeing the silver chain hand down into my lap. *Kkkr..!* I clutched my fist. Grabbing the chain swiftly I began stuffing in down my shirt. "Tch.....no one is going to see me with a chain..mh..!" * Stuff stuff..!* Before I knew it the cold metal down below my cloths hidden from anyone's eyes. The only visible silver was the key on my neck. I tiled my head a little, I pocked the Victorian looking key.

"Mh...." * Poke poke...* I blinked seeing it. I looked up seeing Kazuma totally out of sight. Come to think of it, I myself had no idea where the hell he was. Still I was glad, I this time to myself to figure out who I was, maybe finding some clues would help.

Sitting on the bench, I looked out into the distance. Butterflies danced out in the wind. From the rare violet once to the deep sea blues.
Then a foreign form caught my eyes. It was a man. A very tall man. He seemed to be walking for the pure fun of being alone. He had gorgeous long violet hair tighed in a high ponytail. He seemed to be wearing a.....wait was that a Katana at his side? I blinked. I looked up at his face, as he seemed to turn in my direction, he knelt down touching a flower.

(...........) I was lost in words. I wished I had friends like him, he looked really nice to talk to. I couldn't even remember anything about my self, or if I even had any friends at all.

I wanted to stand just to see if I could see more of the park. However, I was scared. My chain might get yanked. (What has happened to me? Since when am I scared of getting in trouble?)

I turned my head, just in time to have the wind pick up. It lifted up the flower petals, making them dance out in the open. "!" My eyes sparkled at the sight. Feeling a little strange, I had to turn my head straight once again. ( Don't look up....don't look up, but look normal! like nothing is up. Just resting for the hour, that is all.) I told myself.

I didn't have the heart to look at the man again. It was rude to stare, I shuttered, at the thought of getting yelled at for staring.
Just as I told myself not to look up. I realized my head began to slowly go up. Still I averted my eyes. ( He must of left by now right? )

I blinked slowly, as I looked up. Only to have the colour drain form my face. "!!" He was still there, what was even worse now was that he was now looking in my direction!!standing!.

(S-shooottt!!! I TOLD YOU DON't LOOK _____!!) I yelled at myself.

( GAAHH! I'm so stupid!) I wasn't sure in one thing, if he was looking at me or not. I had no right to stare.... I looked at a a small playground near the bench I sat on. It was really close. So even if I walk there, I would still be in a safe zone. At least that's what I thought.

I stood up, looking away form the man. I made my way to the bars. I grabbed the bar with my hands, and pulled myself up. Sitting down. I felt a little safer than before. I looked back to where the man was. Only to be in pure shock. He was gone.

(Eh!? W-what?) He was gone, not like It really mattered. Still he was there literally 2 minuets ago.

* Chkkk..*

"!" My eyes widen hearing the sound of a chain shake. Only to turn my head, I realized some one sat on the swing. My heart pulsed really hard only to see the same guy now sat only about 10 steps from me. "!" ( W-what!!!!!!!)
He sat on the swing with a pleasant smile.

I looked away, wanting to leave him alone.





"!" I froze at the sound of a deep soft voice call near me.

I turn to see, that violet haired guy looking at me with a smile. ( W-was it him?)

"?..? etto....Kon'nichiwa....???" He said again.

I blinked. (Omg..! he is talking to me!!!! Ahh! shoot!! I need to reply to him.!!)
He sat there patiently.

"Ah..Kon'nichiwa." I replied.
A small friendly smile looked at me.

" Kyo wa kirei desu ne...?" ( Today is beautiful isn't it?) He spoke in Japanese to me.
I swallowed hard. I actually understood him. I was soo surprised. (When in hell did I ever learn to speak Japanese?) Some time in my past I must of learned Japanese, yet It ate at my mind, he was speaking to me.

"Ah hai..! " I replied a little louder than I realized.
He tilted his head with a soft smiled. As he looked in my direction.
He stood up, and walked towards me.

"!!" ( AAH! I can't take this!!! I don't deserve it!)

He just walked right up to me, at grabbed a bar near me and pulled himself up. Close to me.

"...anata wa ki ni shimasu ka..?" ( ...do you mind....?) His voice whispered.

" ...Iiee...." ( ...n-no...)

"...yokatta..." ( ...I'm glad....) He smiled, then turned to look out.

(......this is weird....)

I looked from the corner of my eyes. He had.....some very expressive blue eyes... they held such calmness. Even if he wore a Katana.
I just hoped he wasn't the kind to snap, and be quite to get angry. Or I might be in even more trouble than I thought.
I watched the wind blow his very long violet hair, even if his hair was in a high ponytail. It seemed to be down..He just had soo much hair, and it was very pretty...

Before I could think anything else a annoyed voice caught me off guard.

"Hey..! ____! what are you doing? I told you not to move!"

My heart sank seeing Kazuma walk over, with a swift moment, he dug his hand slightly into my shirt grabbing the chain, yanking me down onto the ground from the bars.


"..G-uh...!" My eyes widen at the sting of getting yanked. "!!!!" ( N-no!!!)
I fell to the ground thankfully landing on my knees. Only to get glared at down by Kazuma.

"TCh.....why you....."

I almost whimpered, but I held it in. I mustn't. Then my mind clicked, he was still there behind me. "!!" And he has seen it all.
"Get up, I was going to buy you ice cream." He pulled my chain causing me to stand.



Just as I was dragged off, I turned my eyes a little, seeing the guy with violet hair stare at me with wide eyes. His face seemed to freeze at me getting pulled away.
It took all I had, not to let a tear drop. From this man I don't even know form seeing it. He was just a stranger in a park. I slightly bow my head, with a slight sorrowful looked, regretting that he had to see this. ( Gomen nee.....) I apologized in my mind.

His eyes widen. Just as I turn my head. I hear a voice call.
" Ano ansa."( Um sir) * T-thump!* My heart jumped at the low voice. It was him I couldn't miss that voice.
Kazuma stopped, in his tracks.Turning around looking behind me. There stood the guy with violet hair. He held calm face, it seemed different though. "NaNi?" ( WhAT?) Kazuma sounded a little stern, in Japanese, as if he was telling the guy to get lost.

"Sono kanojou,( That lady) is she you're friend?" He was very polite in his words. It made my head spin, hearing him speak in English at the end. Could it be he realized I was not from around here? or was it for my sake that he spoke like that. He stood their looking in my direction. For a sudden second, I swear I saw a smile flicked to me. Then fade away very fast. ( Uh..?.....please......just.....don't worry about me...) I spoke to myself.

"She is." Kazuma replied. Trying to pull me off, with a click of my chain. I felt it yank on my neck. "!" I winced a little getting pulled. "Come now." Kazuma hissed, knowing this guy was wasting his time. Just as I get yanked I felt myself stop. Something kept me from moving.
I looked over slightly seeing, him now 3 inches way from me. "!!!" (EEEHHH?!!) He was holding my hand. Like in a pulling motion.

"Matte...! onegai." ( Wait...! please) I heard him call once again. He looked at me with a calm smile. Then pulled a sickening smirk at Kazuma.
"....Don't pull her.....kanojo wa inude wa arimasen." ( She isn't a dog.) He finished in Japanese.

I felt the heat in my body rise. Why is he protecting me.....he doesn't even know me.

"Tch...jama suru na, dewa." ( Tch.... don't interfere , goodbye.) Kazuma pulled on my chain harder this time. " Mh..!" I grit my teeth. Seeing my hand get pulled away from the kind man's hands. His eyes widen, not able to do a thing, he hold a sad face seeing me get pulled away. Just as our hands pull away, my eyes widen to a pink flower in my palms, slightly crushed, but still held its form.

I hear a soft voice speak. "Ore no namae wa....Kamui desu............Gakupo Kamui........." ( My name is Kamui........Gakupo Kamui)

"..Huh...!!?" My eyes widen. Seeing him bow his head to me. With his hand over his heart. * T-thump. * He looked at at me. I watched him fade from my sight as I got dragged off. ( I wish I could tell him my name...........)

"....Kanojo......." ( ......Girl.....) He whispered to himself. Seeing my pained eyes leave.

Chained Doll Len Gakupo Kamui X Reader X Len Kagamie X Kaito VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now