Chapter 1

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(A/N: Skye gave me some advise for writing better but I only write fanfics lol so I'm using what I've learned here. What do you guys think? She teach me good? I only stayed through her boring ass lessons for just under an hour though. No way in hell am I sitting through 3 to 4 hours a day doing writing prompts, grammar/spelling practice, and all the other shit she was doing. Also don't kill me for her reaction to Sebastian, I just think it'd be a better story line if she was kinda salty about being a demon and held a negative view to demons. Don't worry it gets better after time.)

Skye's current outfit:

Skye's current outfit:

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Skye's P

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Skye's P.O.V

I ran with a tear stained face through the icy rain of the night to the limp body of my beloved sister. Despite what I am she never feared me. She never seen me differently because I was a demon. She just loved me as her big sister. I've been with her since her first breath and now I'm forced to see her last. Seven years of such a gift as her will never be enough, however, it's more than a monster like me deserves. I cradled her in my arms, ignoring the pain that I was being inflicted with. She didn't deserve this. She's not a monster like me. Yet here she is; fighting to breathe, choking on her own blood, leaving this cruel world too soon. She raised her hand to my face and wiped my tears. Her hands were cold as death as she struggled to speak.

Her words were forced but with her dying breaths she said "Please don't cry sissy. Please don't. I don't like when you're in pain."

With those final words she died; but not before pushing me out of the mob surrounding us and saving me from a rusted dagger that pierced through her chest instead of my back. Her words dried my tears and all I could do was run. I promised myself that I would live. I'd live for her and cherish the final gift she gave me. I'd never let her effort that saved me be in vain. I'd never show that I was hurt. I'd be strong and live for my sister, my only family, Star.

That night I ran for what seemed like hours. Dawn was approaching and I was still running. I couldn't stop running. I had to get away, get to safety. Perhaps I just wanted to get far away from the sight of my sister like that. Maybe I just wanted to get far enough away that I could pretend it hadn't happened; that she wasn't gone. I may have never stopped running, but in that blur I ran into one of her majesty's guards. I had worked as an assassin for her for nearly two years since the incident with father and the others. She paid me upfront in cash, supplies, and food. I hated it at first but it was the only way to provide for Star, to give her a half-way descent life. I kept only her on my mind and in less than a day, the lives I was taking meant nothing to me because the only life I cared about was Star's, and by killing for the queen I was protecting that life that was so precious to me. I don't regret my job. No matter what you might think, I never shed innocent blood while working for her. The guard had asked me what happened but I didn't dare speak a word about it. He took me to the queen and, though it took many hours, I eventually told her about the attack and about Star's death. She gave me a look of empathy before telling me that I would be living at the Phantomhive manor for my own protection. I, of course, refused to burden anyone but she insisted. After some time, we came to an agreement: I would stay at the manor and in return I'd protect the Earl Phantomhive and the servants of his estate while I was there. Starting that day, I'd be sent to his manor; with all my belongings and weapons of course. I didn't have much with me other than my weapons that were kept at her majesty's.

>>>>>time skip a few hours<<<<<

Ceil's P.O.V

"Young master, a letter just arrived from her majesty." Sebastian told me

"Bring it here." I ordered

He did as commanded and I took the letter. It was very vague and had no reasoning included but said that a girl would be here to serve me as a protector and that she'd be living in my manor indefinitely. I sighed in frustration at the inconvenience and threw the letter to the side.

"It seems we'll be having a new servant sent here and staying indefinitely." I groaned in annoyance

"Shall I inform the other servants?" Sebastian asked

"Yes. Do so at once. She'll arrive within the hour." I told him

>>>>>time skip to when she gets there<<<<< 

Skye's P.O.V

I was dropped off with my bags at the door of the manor. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a tall, black haired butler. It was clear by his scent that he was a demon. I instantly hated him.

"Hello milady." he smiled "May I take your bags?"

I picked up whatever I could carry and pushed past him with a face of hate "I'll do it."

"But you have so many. Might I carry the ones you can't?" he offered again

I huffed in annoyance "Fine, whatever."

"Your room is right this way." He said, never letting his smile fade "My name is Sebastian by the way."

Once all my bags were in the room I was brought to the Earl's office. Sebastian knocked and a child's voice replied "Enter."

The teenage boy who sat before me looked me over and seemed to be disgusted "She sent a peasant. Ugh very well. Go wash some dishes or something."

"Who do you think you're talking to runt. I don't know if you're illiterate or just didn't bother to read the bloody letter that was sent but it nowhere says that I'm a lowly servant. I'm a respected worker of the queen, here as a protector to the Earl Phantomhive and the servants of this manor. I have no obligation to be a babysitter for a spoiled brat with a bad attitude." I growled at him "And keep that away from me. The stench of demon hit hard the second I got here. I can't really keep away from you though so I'll have to deal with that unfortunately." I added while pointing to the black haired butler

"Okay then, my mistake" he said with irritation "Go introduce yourself to the servants. I can't promise you'll be able to avoid Sebastian too much at times but it's a big manor. I'm Ceil, Earl Phantomhive."

I nodded once to acknowledge that I heard and understood what he said before walking out. A redhead with high pigtails came running towards the room but tripped on a fold in the rug. Before she hit the ground I moved my arms out, caught her, and set her upright once more.

"Thank you very much Miss." she said with a bow. "I don't suppose you're the girl mentioned in the queen's letter?"

"I am. My name is Skye." I said simply

"Mine is Mey-Rin." she said with another bow

I heard an explosion from the floor below. Immediately, I jumped over the banister and landed on the ground floor. I quickly ran to where the explosion came from, gun drawn and pointed at the figure standing in the smoke. When the smoke cleared I was met by the frightened face of whom my gun was pointed at.

I lowered my gun with an emotionless face "You're the chef here?"

"Yeah." he said in an uneasy voice "Bardroy."

I tucked the gun into the inner side of my right boot and said in a monotonous voice "Skye. You know where the other servants are? I already met Mey-Rin and Sebastian."

He smiled and scratched the back of his neck "Well now I know you can deliver on your protecting role." he laughed "And yeah, the only other servant is the gardener. He's outside."

He led me to a huge, beautiful garden and pointed to the last servant "Hey come meet the girl the queen sent." he yelled to him

The boy ran over to us. My eyes went wide once he turned around. "I'm coming Bard!" he screamed cheerfully

"This is Skye." Bard introduced me to him "Skye this is-"

"Finny..." I breathed in disbelief, my voice just above a whisper

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