Chapter 1- Where's The Fire?!

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"You better get up!" snarled the beast as it approached the fallen heroine. Heart beating, she shuffled backwards until her back hit the wall. Dead end. Leaning towards her, the beast slowly opened its mouth, until it was right in front of her. Dozens of sharp, odorous teeth gleamed out at her. She closed her eyes, preparing for the crunch...

"Jen, get up!" she heard the beast say in a soft, girly voice. Suprised, Jenny opened her eyes and saw her BFF Amy standing above her, holding a pair of disgusting looking socks. Jenny wrinkled her nose. Those socks smelt rancid.

"Jen! You've slept in! You have to get ready nowwww! You promised me that we'd get your hair dyed today!" Amy whined, tossing the socks over her shoulder, and hitting Jenny with a pillow. Jenny groaned and buried her head underneath her quilt.

"I don't want to go! I like my hair how it is!" Jenny muttered, rolling over and staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, she was ripped into the cold reality. Falling on her butt, Jenny glared at her best friend, who was already dressed for the day. Amy was sitting on the dresser, legs crossed, blue eyes gleaming with mischief. Jenny sighed and stood up. 

"Fine, I'll get ready. But you have to leave the room and go get me some breakfast!" Jenny said, walking into the bathroom for a well-deserved shower.


"I swear, when I find Amy again, I'm going to make her buy me new shampoo to replace that goddamn excuse of shampoo that she gave me," Jenny growled, as she entered the room, steam billowing behind her. Jenny stomped over to her side of the room and rifled through her chest of drawers, searching for the right outfit. After searching for a while, Jenny found a halfway decent outfit. Maybe Amy would let me go shopping after my hair appointment, Jenny thought. Jenny pulled on a pair of light blue jeans, and a flowy yellow blouse. Wiggling her feet into her socks, Jenny searched the room for her pair of yellow sneakers. Instead of her sneakers being in their usual place, there was a post-it note. Curious, Jenny picked it up, and read it.

Dear Jen,

I just had to get rid of your disgusting sneakers! You won't find them... I sent them to my family back in Australia. So instead of wearing those awful shoes, I gave you a lovely pair of pumps instead! They're next to the window! Need to look good for all the boys!! ;)


Fuming, Jenny picked up the pair of pumps and looked at them with distaste. They weren't ugly, they were just too... fancy for an outing to the mall. Jenny would've rathered a pair of ratty old shoes, but as there were no other practical shoes around, Jenny had to slip on the pair of patent white leather pumps. Standing up, Jenny went to go get her purse. Suddenly, she wobbled. She wasn't used to wearing heeled shoes. Grabbing her bag, she steadied herself on her desk. Staring at the door, Jenny wobbled her way. Closer, closer, closer...

CRASH! Jenny toppled to the floor and landed in a heap. Jenny caught her breath. Suddenly, she heard laughing. Looking up, she saw Abby standing in the doorway with her phone out, recording the scene. Jenny scowled. Of course, Abby just had to be there. Standing up, Jenny brushed herself off and crossed her arms.

"What do you want? I'm pretty sure I didn't give you permission to just waltz into my room!" Jenny said, narrowing her eyes. Abby smiled innocently and held out a paper bag.

"I'm just here to deliver your breakfast! I took it- I mean, Amy GAVE it to me to give to you. She said to meet her at the mall. I don't know why you bother going, nothing will ever change your hideous style, Jennifer." Abby said, looking in distaste at Jenny's clothes. Jenny bristled at the use of her full name, and shoved the bag away, somewhat reluctantly.

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