Let the 1st Annual Hunger Games Begin!... Part 2

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After they line us all up I put my gun in my belt loops securing it with my belt. I pull my leather gloves down my wrist so they feel tight and I face the other tributes. We all are facing Mrs. Hal and Mr. Ceiling from where they stand, in the middle. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1!"

I run away to the second biggest tree. I roll dodging paint and cartwheel over dead people. I make it to the tree in about three minutes and I scale it in about two. I sit on the highest, sturdiest branch and catch my breath. When I see other people I start shooting. I kill Mark Shane the second placer for the Juniors, and Dove Inges the Victor from seventh grade. I sit up in my tree and wait. I wait for about thirty minutes. When I hear the cannons. Boom! 11 Boom! 12 Boom! 13 I count in my head. I look around and spot a platform in one of the trees. That's the perfect tree. I look down and around. I get up from my branch and start to scale down the tree. I'm facing the tree when I hear a twig snap. I freeze and turn slowly. And I turn to none other than Mitchell. I'm about to shoot him when I see something around his neck. It's my friendship necklace I gave to Miles when I was little. I walk over to him and grab it. I feel the pendant with my fingers and sure enough his initials and carved on the back.

"It's a good thing we're allies... right?" He asks looking at me.

"It seems so," I say. I look up into the trees and say. "Thanks a lot Miles, you totally pulled a Haymitch move!"

"So what tree are you headed to?" he asks me. "I'm not stupid I actually paid attention during our games. You stayed in the trees the whole time."

"I'm heading toward this one, it's very special." I say pointing to the platform tree. I walk away from him without a word and start to scale the tree. After I am up a couple of feet I see him still on the ground. "Are you coming? Ally?" I whisper.

"I can't climb," he says. I click my tongue in frustration and slide down the tree. I remove my gloves and throw them to Mitchell. "Just put those on they help with grip and traction, look at where I set my feet and place my hands." I go slow when I go up the tree this time. It takes him five minutes to get up to the platform and when he makes it he's breathing really hard. "I should really take those push-ups and pull-ups more serious." he says in between breaths. I chuckle and look at my surroundings. "You have a watch?"

"Yeah, it's nine thirty." time was moving so slow.

"I have first watch, take a nap. Do whatever you want. Don't worry I won't shoot you." I say when I see him hesitate. "I might not like allies but I respect mine." he nods and lies down. In about two minutes he's asleep and I can hear his rhythmic breaths. I look at him as he sleeps, his hair falls to the side like it always does brushing just above his eyes. One of his arms is behind his head the other across his stomach. He has his gun in his free hand gripped for dear life. I would love to shoot him if he wasn't my ally. Note to self: kill Miles for getting me an ally I didn't want. I look at his watch and at ten thirty I wake him up and he lets me sleep until noon. When he wakes me up his stomach growls. "I'm hungry." he whines.

"Me too," I hear Mrs. Hal on a mega phone.

"It is lunch time. We will be taking a ten minute break. Anyone who is shot is not out. The person who shot their gun will be escorted back to school and will have lost the game. Come and grab a bag." I scale down the tree, my gloves back onto my hands and run over to the swings. Mrs. Hal hands me a bag and I tell her I have an ally and she gives me another one. I run back to the tree making sure to take a longer way to throw off any wondering eyes. When I get back I hand Mitchell his bag and we eat our lunches.

"The time out is over! Every one is free game!" she says over the mega phone. I hear guns being shot and I hear girls scream.


Hope you like this story. Have a good day (or night) Love Lauren. : )

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