Chapter 2- Zane

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Zane's Point of View:

It was 3 in the morning when I had just gotten home from patrolling the border. When I stepped into the house, I could hear cries and whimpers from Morgan's room. This was a usual thing. For the both of us.

I went upstairs to Morgan's room and found her facing her wall with her back towards me, her body cradled up like a fetus in the womb, and crying silently. I quietly walked over to get and started to gently rub her back before sitting down beside her, leaning down and whispering in her ear,

"Shhh, you're okay," Then I picked her up and held her in my lap. She was quivering and shaking, "I'm here and won't let anything happen to you ever again," She then looked up at me with wide sad eyes. Her cheeks were stained with tears and wouldn't stop falling. I wiped them away with my thumbs and she started to lean her head into my hand, smiling slightly but still had that sadness glaze in her eyes, "Go back to sleep little one. I'll be here when you wake up," After I had said that, she drifted back off into sleep. We layed there on her bed. Her asleep while I stayed awake to make sure she's okay then, out of nowhere, flashback and memories from the night her parents died and the day she was bit by a Vampire had somehow entered my mind.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Flash Back>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Everything was black. All you could hear were the horrifying screams of Morgan's mother and father. Werewolf hunters were invading our land and had came into the house to kill us. Morgan's mother and father both died that night and all that was left was Morgan and I.

During the attack, I had been in the back of Morgan's closet, holding her like a baby, and staring into her eyes to help keep her calm while covering her ears and holding her tight. For an instant, I couldn't hear anything. I didn't know what it was. After the first gun shot, I was brought back to reality. Then another gun shot rang through the air and everything went to a dead silence. Morgan was shaking vigorously and was crying into my chest. All I could do was, hold her and be there for her.


After that flash back, another one had wavered in.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Flash Back>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

When Morgan and I were 15, she was dating this Vampire dude named Ezra Hale. He had dark chocolate colored eyes, Raven colored hair, muscular athletic build, and about 6'1". He was 16 and she was 15 when they were dating and took somewhat of an advatage to her. Morgan had not yet been a full werewolf at the time so, in her disadvantaged, she had no power nor strength against a Vampire.

During the time period that they were dating, Morgan had snuck out of the house while I was sleeping and went over to Ezra's "house". Whilst she was there, alone in the hands of Ezra Hale, he'd taken his chances and bit her neck.

It was the break of dawn and I had just woken up to an awkward feeling, like, something missing. I went up to Morgan's room and there was no sight of Morgan. Her window was wide open in her room and her bed was made. I feared for her life. I went outside and luckily I've been around her scent long enough to know what she smells like. The scent of Lavender and Rose whiffed through the air around me and started making a path that lead to were Morgan was.

The trail had led me through the woods and to an old, abandon cabin. I want inside and all I could smell were Vampires but, no one was home. Then, all of a sudden, I could smell the luxurious scent of Morgan. I quickly ran to wherever it had led me. It travel downstairs to a cellar. Through all the moldy and dusty smells, all I could smell was blood and spotted a body curled up in the farthest corner of the room. I ran to it and dropped to my knees the sight. It was Morgan. Her skin was pale white and her skin was cold to the touch. I thought she was dead. I placed my hand on her cheek and as I did so, I heard her make a soft and painful groan. I was in dead shock that she was still alive due to the pool of blood she lost that is now scattered all around us. I pressed my head to her chest and heard a faint heart beat. All I knew is that I had to get her home and medical help. I swooped her up in my arms and carried her limp less body all the way home.

5 hours had passed and the doctor had already came and gone. While he was here, he had said,

"Just give her some time to rest. She's lost a lot of blood. She will suffer from troma, pain, and will deal with nausia. That's if she wakes up." his last words scared the life out of me. I didn't know what to think. The thought of not having Morgan in my life was unbearable to think nor believe. All I could do was wait and stay by her side and hope she wakes up.

It was around midnight when I had Morgan's hand in mine and I felt her's tighten around mine as if she were in pain. I got up on the bed and started to gently stroke her arm. Her skin was still cold but not ice cold like before. She didn't have a pulse tho. I moved the hair away from her neck and that's when I notice the bite. I started to freak out on the inside because I didn't know what to do nor think so, I just sat un-movingly til she woke up.

Her eyes were wide open and glassy. Next thing her body did was unexpected. Her body started to jostle around as if she was having a seizure. She looked like her entire body was in pain on the inside out and I couldn't do anything to help her. She looked like she was going to die.

I got off the bed and crouched down at eyes level still holding her hand. I was crying on the inside out when Morgan stopped moving.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Flash Back End>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


In Zane's earlier childhood, he ran away from home at a young age, orphaned and brutally abused. He has scares all over his back from a whip, cigarette burns on his bicepts and shoulder blades, cuts from a silver knife piercing his skin on his thighs. When he was 13 he attempted overdose and slit his wrist due to bad memories from his childhood catching up with him. The only thing that saved him was, Morgan.

Zane has ice blue eyes that all the girls fall for. Bright blonde hair, base baritone set voice, proportionate body structure almost athletic runner built, but a little boney. His fingers are long and slender. His skin was like a yellow pale color and he was 6'4". 16 and only a month older than Morgan.

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