Chapter 4

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During the small gathering with Ray, Annabeth got to know more about him and how he and Max are cousins and how they possess their own abilities. Ray is very good at sensing danger and Mary has an ability where she knows anything about anyone which is awesome.  Ray's children would soon have theirs as well, Anna even danced around with them. How could she not when they where so adorable. Mary even told Annabeth that she could tell that they would arrive today. She made the cake a few hours ahead but didn't want to ruin not getting to know her when she came to the mansion. As their night was winding down Mary got up from her seat, 

Mary," Annabeth, I have a gift for you." 

Taking out a blue jewelry box from a drawer she walked up to Anna.

  Mary, "I hope you like it"

Annabeth took the blue box from Mary and opened it to find a ring that matched the necklace Max had given her but the flower in the middle was the color blue.

Anna, "Thank you very much, Mary, I love it!"

Mary, "You're welcome honey! Make sure to keep it on at all times ok" winking at Anna

Annabeth was curious as to why she had to keep it on at all times but if she had to keep the ring on she decided she would also wear Max's necklace. Both pieces of jewelry complemented each other and her fair skin, so why not. For now, she enjoyed everyone's company. Although she was still wondering about those men who broke into her bedroom.
An hour later,

  Max, "I think it's been a long day. And Anna looks very tired of teleporting and partying."

Max gets up from his chair as Anna follows doing the same.

 Anna, "Thank you guys for everything tonight! It's been the best birthday ever, thanks to all of you, considering the rough day it was." 

Anna went up to everyone and gave them a hug and a thank you for celebrating her birthday. Giving a goodnight kiss to Mary, 

Anna, "Thank you soo much for the cake and the gift! I love it soo much!"

Mary, "No problem dear, and if anything I'm right here if you need anything! Goodnight!"

Max lead the way out of the dining room and into the big staircase where Annabeth followed behind him going up the stairs sleepily as they both went through another hallway leading to the bedrooms when Max stopped at a room.

Max, "This one is your room if anything call out my name and I'll be here."

Anna, "Ok, And thank you for everything. I mean it, you saved my life out there today. I'm glad I'm with you."

Max, " Your welcome, I know it's going to be hard adjusting to a new place but I'll make sure it doesn't feel like a jail in here since we'll be staying for a while ... Oh! And don't take the jewelry off no matter what it looks good on you. Well talk more tomorrow, Sleep tight Anna. " 

Annabeth was growing with curiosity as to why with this jewelry again.  She let it slide along now as sleep was calling her.

Anna," Ok?"

Max left her side as she opened the door to her room and headed towards the bed as soon as she spotted the bed she didn't care but to sleep.

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