Did it hurt? (ItaGer)

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(A/N) This is just a little short I made, nothing special. 

Monika sits down, sighing in relief. "Oh thank god.." She whispers to herself, lifting the cup of tea to her lips. It was rarely ever that she got any alone time. She settles into her couch, her book being opened. But, just thirty seconds later skipping and humming was heard.

It was her ally, Italia.

"Moonniii~" She heard call, the man stepping in. He skipped over and jumped on the couch, his arms wrapping around her waist. "I have a question!"

She sighs closing her book. ''What is it?" She mumbles, her arms crossing as she stared at him.

"Did it hurt?" Monika groaned, her eyes rolling.

"Let me guess, when I fell from heaven?" She says. Monika had heard him use this pick up line on many a girl, it wasn't a surprise if he tried to use it on her.

He let out a giggle, her face going closer to her. "Nope~"

"Then what is it?" She says, her expression growing more irritated by the second. She just wanted some alone time, with her book, and her coffee. But would she ever get that? It appeared not.

Feliciano just stared at her, his grin growing wide on his face.

"Did it hurt when you fell for me?"

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