Nyo! Germany X Germany~The Pocky Game

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// This was made for Sarah56643 ! I really hope you enjoy the story and suggest some more ideas, Sarah! (Especially if it Germany x Nyo! Germany- Because that shit it cute)

    Gilbert, Monika's older brother, pushed the door open to his little sister's room with out a single warning. "Moniii~" He called, looking for the young woman. He surveyed the room, narrowing her eyes before turning around to leave.

      Monika stood as still as possible as she hid in the closet. Why was she hiding in her closet you might ask, and which it's an amazing question! Her brother was wanting her to go to this party, and meet some people. Make some new friends.

But, Monika being the little hermit she is, didn't want to go out to the party. She wanted to stay home, walk the dogs, read, and maybe even do some baking. But going to a party? In the dress Gilbert wanted her to wear? Oh hell no is all she could say about that. 

 Monika slowly cracked the door open, stepping from the closet trying to be as quiet as possible. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw the room empty. But, just moments later Gilbert jumped from no where and unto her back. 

"Monika Beilschimdt! You are going to the party whether you like it or not!" The albino man ordered. "Because like, seriously my non-awesome little sister, you need to get out! Live life! Get a boyfriend!" HE told her ruffling her short soft blonde locks.

"Maybe I don't want to!" She growled at him, trying to push the larger man off of her back. 

"Pllleeeaaassse Monika! Besides, it'll be awesome! The dress I picked out would be amazing! It will look fucking awesome! Just like me!" He encourages, jumping off f her back. "Come on! If you go to this party i'll never bother you about going to another one again!" That made Monika think. Would this be the case? Or would Gilbert be Gilbert and try to drage her to another party.

"Fine..." She muttered shaking him off. "ON one condition! I'm not wearing that dress!" She made sure she said this loud and clear.


A couple hours later, Monika did end up wearing a dress, but a dress she was comfortable in. It was a short sleeved black dress, black nylons that didn't even look back, a clack velvet choker, and once again, black heels that lifted her up just enough. (If I didn't describe it well enough the picture of Moni is what she's wearing.) n other words. She looked stunning. THe dress fitted her curves fitted her body perfectly. Okay- 

Let's just say this, she looked perfect.

Monika stepped out of her car, holding her keys in her right hand. Though it didn't stay that way for long. The keys went in her purse, following her brother up to the white, loud house. "Okay, now, you're going to have fun, dance and talk to people. Got it?" Her brother instructed, my rolling as if on command. 

"Yes, yes." She mumbles, walking up to the open door. She stepped in, her nose wrinkling.


It should have been obvious that there would be alcohol, a party with alcohol is the only party Gilbert ever goes to.  

She walked over to where she knew the beer would be, the kitchen. She scooted past the drunken men and women . She just shook her head grabbing her a red plastic cup full of cheap beer. From then on, she sat in a chair watching as the party raged on a head ache growing. 

      A couple hours later, Monika found herself in a large circle of players. What they were playing? Spin the bottle. A game that was typically used for these kind of parties, so it wasn't a surprise to find out that everyone was playing. And for the hell of it, Monika joined thinking she would be ignored, sat down in the large circle as the bottle twists....

"We're going to be playing spin the bottle, but, with twist~" Alfred announced, a grin growing on his tan face. Everyone around Monika murmured, faces twisting with confusion. He pulledout a couple boxes of different flavored pocky's. "Instead of just kissing the person, you're going to play the pocky game!" He exclaimed throwing the boxes in the middle. An eyebrow rose on te pale blonde's face, her hand raising as she examimed the candy.

"Excuse me, but what's this.. This "pock game" as you call it?" She asked, her hand making it's way back to her lap. 

"The pocky game is where two people take a piece a pocky and bite onto it trying to get to the middle. Whoever pulls away first loses." One of her few friends, Sakura, explained. Monika nodded in response giving her a small thank you in gratitude. 

And so the game began, people kissed, some left, but Monika hadn't been landed on. But it was her turn to twist the bottle. 

     Monika scooted towards the middle, sitting on her legs as her hand twirled the bottle. The beer bottle spun, slowly slowing down. The German woman plays with her hands, just staring in her lap her eyes flickering up when she had heard the bottle had stopped. her eyes landed on a tall, extremely beautiful man. With blue eyes, sharp features and blonde hair you definately could've called him handsome.

      The man sighs, before scooting closer to the woman. Monika could tell that he was uncomfortable (she thanked god she wasn't the only one), and put out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Monika." Se tells him in a soft voice, his larger hand taking her's in a small shake. Their hands parted. 

"I'm Ludwig." He tells her, his voice stern but warm in a way. Her head bobbed up and down in a nod pulling out a a piece of the chocolate covered sticks. She held it in between her fingers, as if she going to smoke from it, and placed it in between her cherry pink lips. 

       "Ready whenever you are." She says around the chocolate. She leaned forward her hands holding up most her weight. A nervous Ludwig took the other side into his mouth. Monika was the first one to take a small nibble, then it was Ludwig. And then Monika.

"WOOO, MONI GET SOME." Gilbert yells to her, letting out a whooping call. Monika's cheeks flush a light pink, sighing heavily. She took another bite from the stick, and so did Ludwig. There wasn't even an inch between them, their noses brushing up against one another. 

The both of them took a bite. 

JUst a little closer now..

But that's when Monika pulled away. Both Monika's, and Ludwig's cheeks were a bright red.

They both stared ito eachother's bright blue eyes, Ludwig's hand caressed his cheek leaning in.

They locked lips in a warm, passionate kiss. 


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