Nyo! Spain x S. Italy - Teenage love

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(Written for: FrozenQueen12 )

Bright smiles and twirls.

Blown kisses and hearts swelling.

Oh sweet Isabella, your soft cheeks, green eyes with a twinkle of magic, long slender legs, smile pulling you in, but your sweet personality. Do you even know what you do to me? Do you know how my heart starts beating as fast as a galloping horse? Do you know how... How normal and loved you make me feel? You were the first to choose me over my brother.

I turned my lock back and forth until the thing opened up. I grumble about how old they were, and how fucking ridiculous is was that they weren't replacing new ones. I hang my book bag up on the hook, leaving my phone in my locker.

'Heeyyy Loviiii....~" I heard a voice purr in my ear leaving me to let out a growl, I would never show her that I love her.

"Go. Away." I slammed the door shut, turning away from the brunette. I started to walk off, my cheeks flushing as she butterfly touches my shoulder. She pulls me in by wrapping her hand around my thin waist. I was almost an inch shorter when she wore her heels. Which wasn't fair, how could she even walk in the fucking monstrosities?
"Mmm.... I think I'll just walk you to your first class."

We talked, and i was still pressed up against her hip as she maneuvered us across the school.

The day was normal, Isabella followed me everywhere, always pestering me, forcing me to hug her... That I didn't mind, but I have a reputation to uphold.

I sat up in my bed, rushing over to my desk. I shoved my ass into the chair as I wrote down words, my hand not being able to catch up with brain. I finally stopped staring at the pages. My hands reached down and started tearing them to bits throwing them all over the floor.

How could that goddess ever love someone like me? She's better off with literally anyone else.

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