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I walked passed the people strangely looking at me as they saw me walking alone for the first time in forever. Regardless of how they think about me, i talked to every bitch who came up to tell me shit.

"Oh my, Hayley with no friends" a voice said from behind. As I turned to look at them I saw Spencer dressed in 'omg' clothes, she looks damn hot. I shove my thoughts and faced the bitches standing before me.

"Whatever it is in your mind friend, do clear it up. Thank to God for accepting my prayers, all I did was ask God to keep me away from my enemies. And guess was, he did as you can see" I smiled at katie as I turn to look at Spencer again" Oh you look so pretty, I wish to say" I smiled mischievously as I majestically  walked to my class.

As I was about to reach door kendall walked passed me. " Why are you following me "

Wow, what is she saying" following you. Me, wow I guess you came in my way" I said letting out a bitchy chuckle.

"Wow I see you are acting all bitchy, or is it your monthly period. " she said mockingly making me scoff.

"Glad you noticed" with that I brushed passed and got into the class.

I know am acting all bitching now, people tend to complain, but it is me they are messing with.

I took out a notepad from my back pack, jotting what the teacher says. I concentrated on what the teacher was saying.

"Why did you think women do not likely get involved in politics?" the teacher asked as students raised their hands.

"Does this matter sir, we are in a literature class not government" I said tapping my finger on the desk.

"Shut up would you " he said adjusting his tie. " Yes you selena Claire " everyone turned his gaze to her

"If women were to get involved in politics, they would be too busy to marry and have children and the entire human race would die out , which would be very bad indeed." everyone clapped at her as instructed by the teacher.

"Anyone. Yes you zack posley "

"Well you know women have tiny brains, which has no capacity of logical thoughts, there emotional nature made them made them incapable of understanding politics"

Like hell you well, punk ass.

"Wow, that's a nice one you got." Mr. T said grinning. " now also if women were to get involved in politics, they would be in an equal footing with men, thus the appalling condition of equality of the sexes and putting an end to all need for male chivalry and gentlemanly behaviour which would be even worse. Also you know all government have ultimately rested on brute force. Since the gentle nature of women made them incapable of that as zack said earlier women are simply not suited for politics " he finished at last.

"Sir if I may ask what's the essence of this. Yeah we heard it, incapable of and not suited for politics whatever we are. Why bringing this into literature class and don't worry we wouldn't be involve in politics if that's what you want and mind you zack, we have the rationalism "

I couldn't help but smile at Nadley west. It couldn't be less than nice to see best friends arguing and mocking themselves.

Mr. T has nothing to say to her but in return rolled that balls eyes of his at her. "Now back to lesson, as I said earlier. Romeo and juliet was one of the shakespares most famous book"

"We read it " everyone said in unison.

"Oh is that so, tomorrow ready for questions " with that Mr. T left the class.

I started shoving my pen and books inside my back pack as a boy stood before me staring at me blankly.

OMG, Jaden one of drake's guys

"You want something " I asked nicely.

"Yeah, I am Jaden Cho " he said bringing his hand out for handshake, i intentionally ignored him and zipped me bag though I knew I was dying to touch the hand

"My hand is actually hanging over here" he said and I smiled.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see it" I lied. With that we both moved to the canteen. We chit chatted amidst eating.

"So I've heard about your little fight with you best friend"

"Yeah you know Jaden, she was never a best friend in the first place. I don't even want to talk about it" I looked at the people around us gossiping.

"Heyyo, friend you have got someone here" drake said as he sat beside Jaden. I instantly got up to get outta here before the 'drake' does or says something well kinda embarrassing me you know.

I looked at my hand as drake hand held me tightly"where are you going love, sit down " I looked at Jaden then back at my hand then back at drake then back my seat then back at Jaden then back at drake then i sat nervously.

"Em, i know it's kinda stupid but if I may ask. Can we be friends please "

What the fuck.

Wow did the drake just asked me to be his friend Wow. I must be so lucky.

"Um sure" I said nervously and stupidly. I looked back at Jaden in bizarre.

"That's good then" he said as he tapped Jaden's shoulder.

Jaden smiled at me, wishing me good luck adding he will see me tomorrow then he left, leaving me with some bitches giving me eerie looks and some gossiping.

Like hell, am in deep shit, i gotta add them in my agenda right away.

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