Ch. 3

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"Yes. Triplets. Are you ok? " Laito asked cautiously. "Triplets? " I repeated my mind trying to possess what I have just been told. "Mi-" Laito was about to say something, but was interrupted when a boy with brown hair and blue eyes walked into the hallway (picture) "Who screamed? " my eyes widened. Laito did say triplets. Don't tell me that is-"Oh, Lance. Yeah, it was Milo. I think she's coming down with something." Laito said answering my unspoken question. No way. What's happening? This has to be some sort of dream. Yeah, dream. That's it. I'll just wake up, and this will all be a dream. I said to myself. I closed my eyes and pinched myself as hard as I could. "OUCH!" I yelled gaining the attention of my two 'brothers'. "Mily! Are you ok? Why did you pinch yourself?" Lance asked grabbing the arm I pinched. 'To see if I was dreaming' I thought, but apparently I said it out loud because they both gave me a look of confusion. "A dream? Why would you think your dreaming?" Laito asked. "Um, well-" what was I supposed to say? That just yesterday they were only five and now they're the same age as me, and are my triplets?! Yeah, I don't think that's such a good idea. "Well, you see I had this weird dream that my favorite ice skater Yuuri Katsuki was coming back and that Viktor Nikiforov was going to be his coach. And when you woke me up saying what I had just dreamed about, it kinda freaked me out. Sorry." I lied remembering what Laito had told me when he was trying to wake me up "Wow, that must have been a pretty accurate dream." Lance said smirking "Yeah, weird right?" I replied chuckling nervously "Well, anyways, as you already know Yuuri is back and Viktors his coach. Oh, and there is French toast waiting for you downstairs." Laito said standing up and holding out his hand for me to grab. "French toast?! Really?" I said in shock as I grabbed Laito's hand. Mom never had the time to make stuff like that. She usually was at work by the time I woke up. "Did you guys make it?" I asked as Laito pulled me up. "We wish. Dad made it." Lance said. My eyes went wide. Dad? But he is-no way. Without warning I ran down stairs, and into the kitchen. There standing by the oven was a man with greying brown hair and green eyes.

 There standing by the oven was a man with greying brown hair and green eyes

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"D-dad?" I said quietly tears filling my eyes. He turned around and gave me a heart warming smile. "Hey kiddo! You want some French toast? I know it's your fav-" at that point I had started balling. I couldn't believe it. My dad. My DAD. Was standing right in front of me asking if I wanted French toast. My favorite food. "Hey, are you alright? Honey come here." He said holding out his arms. I emedietly ran into his embrace. "Shh. It's ok. Everything is going to be ok." He soothed rubbing circles on my back. "Hey dad did-" Both my brothers barged into the room, and started to day the same thing. But dad emedietly shushed them making them stop. Once my sobs subsided, I slowly lifted my head from his chest. "Feel better?" He asked cupping my cheeks with his warm hands. I nodded, smiling softly. "I do now." I said giving him another hug. "I love you dad." "Hey what about us? Don't you love us?" Lance teased "Shut up." I Mumbled making everyone laugh. "Well now that everyone is down here, let's eat some French toast!" My dad said as we all sat down at the table. "By the way, Milo, Yuuri Katsuki should be performing today at six if you wanted to see it." Laito said making me choke on the peace of toast I was eating. He was serious about that?! I thought he was joking, but considering both my brother are now my triplets and my dad has come back from the dead, Its really no surprise. So I guess now I'm living in a parallel universe were everything is mixed up, and the Yuri on Ice characters are real.........Wait.......Oh my gosh the Yuri on Ice characters are real!!!! My thoughts were interrupted when I fell off my chair. I groaned in pain. "Wow. I knew you liked Yuuri Katsuki, but I didn't know you would fall for him as well." Laito joked as Lance laughted his butt off. "That's enough you two." my dad said also trying to hold back his chuckles. "Ha. Ha. Very funny." I said sarcastically. "Sorry. Sorry. We couldn't help it." Lance said wiping tears from his eyes. I just rolled my eyes before getting back onto my seat. "We shall never speak of this again." I said in my best Sebastian voice. Everyone stairs at me before we all burst into fits of laughter. "What kind of accent was that?!" Laito asked when everyone clalmed down. "Yeah Mily, I've never heard that one before." Lance said looking at me. "Its Sebastian Machalis (did I  spell that right? Idk?) from Black Butler." I said taking a bite of the syrup covered toast. "Black Butler? What on earth is that?" Dad asked giving me a puzzled look "It's an anime." 'What's an anime?" Everyone asked at the same time making my eyes widen. "You mean there is no such thing as ANIME!!!!"

Anyways, sorry for not updating sooner. I was kinda having writers block, and I got a new tablet. So, yeah. Well hope you like the chapter! Au Revoir~)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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