Chapter IV: The Bunker

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The epic showdown has arrived! The classic good versus evil! The ragtag team versus the destructor!
My question, though, is who is the 'good' and who is the 'evil'? Fink has done a lot of bad things, but he's also insane. He couldn't stop himself from doing bad things because he isn't in the right mind. Meanwhile, Queen Radcliffe is the main character of our story. However, every conflict created is because of her. The good and evil labels are all based upon perspective.
I'll keep in touch.
A loud siren roared to life. The main room of the building was engulfed in a red light, and all the turrets turned on and scanned the area for targets. An intercom turned on, followed by the sound of Fink clearing his throat.
"Welcome to The Bunker! You guys didn't plan for me to have cameras, did you?" Fink asked. "Well, too bad! I have the eyes of God himself! If you try to save the hostages I have, you will be filled with lead!" Fink began to laugh maniacally.
Queen Radcliffe leaned over to The Hive Mother. "Now!" She whispered. The Hive Mother flied into The Bunker and gained the attention of the turrets. The turrets sluggishly followed her through the air and hit each other rather than her. The Hive Mother managed to get each turret rid of its functionality before she hit the ground.
"Goddamnit!" Fink yelled. "Enter: EROS!"
A large hole began to open in the floor. A robot ten times the size of Angus climbed out of the depths. It roared and swung its giant hand at The Hive Mother. The Hive Mother managed to get away at the last second.
"Robin, Toni, get the girls," Queen Radcliffe said into her earpiece. "Everyone else, attack the robot!"
Avi loaded corrosive shells into his shotgun. "Make me proud, Harbinger!" He said.
"What about me?" Huntress asked.
"Er... yeah. You too." Avi shot at Eros to gain its attention. Eros screamed in pain and charged at Avi. Angus and Jerrybot jumped down from the latched door in the ceiling and grabbed onto Eros. Eros shook them off and continued at charging at Avi.
Avi shot another shell into Eros. Eros staggered backward and screamed again. Huntress began to fire rounds of her laser rifle into Eros. It fell over and flailed around like a baby.
Eros got up and fired lasers out of its eyes. Avi and Huntress jumped out of the way in the nick of time. The laser cracked open the wall, causing part of the glass ceiling to shatter.
Basileus fired several rounds into Eros' back. "He's over here!" Aváli called out.
Eros turned around and fired lasers at Aváli and Basileus. They jumped away, causing the lasers to destroy the opposite wall. The glass roof completely shattered, letting glass shards rain into the ground. Aváli shot into Eros' right eye twice, destroying it. Eros screamed and shot a laser out of its good eye.
Angus ran into Eros' leg, causing it to fall over. Jerrybot jumped onto Eros and repeatedly rammed his fists into its neck. "Stop knocking Eros down!" Fink yelled into the intercom. "It isn't fair!"
"We're getting the girls out," Robin told Queen Radcliffe through his earpiece. "Where do we take them?"
"Anywhere but here," Queen Radcliffe said. "Make sure they're safe."
"This one isn't looking good," Robin told Toni. "She doesn't look familiar... I guess this is Lafayette."
"What do you mean, 'she doesn't look good'?" Toni asked, releasing Mai and Eleanor from their bonds. "These two are unconscious and cut up and bruised. I don't think Lafayette can be any worse."
"Lafayette's missing a leg, an arm and an eye," Robin said.
"Holy shit," Toni responded. "Lift her up. Carry her out."
Robin lifted up Lafayette and ran out with her as Toni dragged Mai and Eleanor along with her. "Take her to The Bird!" Toni called.
Robin and Toni lifted the three girls all the way to The Bird and laid them all down inside of it. The Bird made a buzzing noise that scared both of the Romero Twins.
"Hello, Robin and Antonia Romero!" Fink said through The Bird.
"How do you know our names?" Robin asked.
"And how the hell do you know my full name?" Toni asked.
"And how did you get into The Bird?" Robin continued.
"Questions, questions," Fink said. "I have a question for you two as well. Do you like robots?"
"Depends," Toni said. "Why?"
"Turn around," Fink said.
The Romero Twins nervously turned to face dozens of tiny robots crawling out of small holes in the ground. "You guys can invent stuff," Fink said. "So let me introduce my invention: the Foot-Tall Fighters!"
Robin and Toni pointed their knives at the Foot-Tall Fighters. "You couldn't have come up with a more... scientific name?" Robin asked.
"'Foot-Tall Fighters' is actually kind of catchy," Toni countered.
"Attack, my minions!" Fink yelled.
"I'll run in and destroy the shit out of as many Foot-Tall Fighters as I can," Toni told Robin. "You stay here and protect the girls from any strays."
Toni teleported five feet into the air and knocked out a dozen Foot-Tall Fighters as she landed. She destroyed as many as she can while Robin teleported short distances to cut Foot-Tall Fighters in two.
A siren began to roar outside of The Bunker. "Here comes the Ten-Foot Fighter!" Fink giddily said.
A large, lanky robot emerged from behind a larger door. Toni threw her knife and stabbed it in the jugular. The robot shut down and fell over, destroying some Foot-Tall Fighters on its way down.
"Goddamnit!" Fink yelled as Toni retrieved her knife. "That took a lot of time and effort, kid! You'll pay for this when I meet you two in person!"
Robin and Toni finished off the remaining Foot-Tall Fighters. "Should we head back?" Toni asked.
"No," Robin answered. "I don't like the idea of leaving the girls alone. We should stay in case Fink has another trick up his sleeve."
"Fair point." The Romero Twins both sat on the edge of The Bird's opening. Toni looked at the girls and quickly turned her head away. "Lafayette looks really bad," she told Robin. "What'll we do about all her missing body parts?"
"We should ask what happened first," Robin said. "Then, we'll build her prosthetics."
"Prosthetics are difficult to build, Robin."
"We've invented teleportation and time travel, Toni. We should be able to build prosthetics that manipulate the functionality of their corresponding limbs."
"If you say so, big brother."
"I do say so, little sister."
Queen Radcliffe turned on her earpiece. "Keep Eros down until I tell you to stop." The New Terrans did as they were told and knocked down Eros, pinning it to the ground. Jerrybot and Angus beat into Eros' back while the others shot it.
Queen Radcliffe turned to The Hive Mother and said, "I need you to get up to the ceiling."
The Hive Mother flapped her wings and flew up to the ceiling, struggling to get up the higher she got. "Let Eros up!" Queen Radcliffe yelled into her earpiece.
Eros got up and shot a laser at The Hive Mother. The laser cut through the ceiling, causing it to cave in. "Everyone, run!" Queen Radcliffe yelled into her earpiece.
The Hive Mother flew past debris to run next to Queen Radcliffe. The two got to a safe distance away from the caving ceiling and checked on Eros' state.
Eros laid on the floor, not moving whatsoever. Its body was covered in debris. "Eros is down," Queen Radcliffe said into her earpiece. "Good work, everyone. Let's head back."
Queen Radcliffe and The Hive Mother turned to leave. As they ran off, they were locked off by a single man.
"Fink," Queen Radcliffe yelled, raising York and Paris up and aiming at her former colleague. "Stand down."
"You've changed, my Queen," Fink told Queen Radcliffe. "You used to be this fun, bubbly, nonchalant girl. Now? It's as if you went through a metamorphosis. You're always serious, can rarely take a joke, and are dedicate to every single fucking move you make. What happened to you?"
"I realized that I can't get anything done if I continue to act like Princess Honey," she said. "I'm Queen of New Terra now. It's about damn time I saddled up and took the reins of this planet. Now, once again, stand down."
Fink sheepishly raised his hands up. He flipped his right hand out to expose a pocket knife he had been hiding and threw it at Queen Radcliffe. The Hive Mother knocked it out of the air with one of her ovipositors.
"This is The Hive Mother," Queen Radcliffe told Fink. "The new Queen of Bristinon. We can easily take you out if you don't do as I say."
"Here's the thing," Fink said, keeping his hands up. "I heard that you're set to marry Mai Devereaux. She's a lot tougher than you two, and I managed to capture her as well as an assassin and a military officer without having to break a sweat. So how tough could it be to take down a person who's broken her ribs multiple times and her pet oversized grasshopper?"
"I've cheated death before," Queen Radcliffe told Fink. "I know people who can bring me back every time you kill me. I'm basically invincible. But you aren't."
Queen Radcliffe fired at Fink. He bolted away, narrowly dodging several bullets. Queen Radcliffe and The Hive Mother followed Fink through the hallway leading away from the destroyed main building.
When out of the two Queens' sights, Fink screamed and started choking. Queen Radcliffe rounded the corner to see Angus lifting Fink up by the throat. "You are coming with us," Angus said. "Whether you like it or not."
Angus carried Fink to The Bird and threw him into the back. Jerrybot followed behind, then took off his gloves to knock out Fink when he got back up. Jerrybot put Fink next to the unconscious girls.
"Is that Fink?" Robin asked, getting up from where he and Toni sat.
"Yeah," Queen Radcliffe said.
"Are we taking him back for questioning?" Toni asked.
"We are. Then we're gonna kill him."
Avi, Huntress, Aváli and Basileus met up with the others. "Oh God," Aváli exclaimed, kneeling down next to Lafayette. "Oh God. Oh shit. He actually did it to her."
"We're gonna question Fink once we get back," Queen Radcliffe told Aváli. "Then, I'll let you and Aváli kill him together."
"You're damn right, we're gonna kill him," Aváli said, starting to cry.
"Alright, Avi," Queen Radcliffe called. "Fly us home."
Queen Radcliffe sat in the back of The Bird, holding Mai close to her. She looked at Mai resting her head on her shoulder and began blinking rapidly. Queen Radcliffe wiped her eyes with her fingers.
She looked around as her vision began to distort. "My Queen?" Basileus asked. "Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine," Queen Radcliffe said, feeling her mouth dry up. "My eyesight is just- ah!"
Queen Radcliffe fell onto the floor, beginning to have a coughing fit. From the cockpit, Avi began coughing in sync with Queen Radcliffe. The Bird began descending until it was in a downwards spiral.
"Robin!" Toni called. "Put your teleportation device on the wall of The Bird! Keep it from crashing!"
Robin placed his teleportation device between his hand and the left wall of The Bird. Toni did the same with the right wall. The Romero Twins constantly used them, causing The Bird to bounce through space. The Bird eventually straightened itself out and continued in a bobbing line.
Meanwhile, Huntress and Jerrybot rushed to check on Avi while Angus, Aváli, and Basileus checked on Queen Radcliffe. Queen Radcliffe began coughing up blood, while Avi could be heard vomiting.
Queen Radcliffe eventually passed out from her difficulty breathing. Her view of The Bird faded to black. The last thing she thought about before she fainted was the fact that she and Avi had trouble breathing on the Eros Military Base.

New Terra: The Second Season (Volume 2 of the New Terra Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now