I love how your melodic laughter rings in my ears,
Sending a pang of happiness pulsing through my veins.
I love the lingering feeling of delight after our late night phone calls,
Because it reminds me I do have one good thing in my life.
I love feeling the laughter tickle the back of my throat,
As I listen to you be yourself.
I love the sense of security that warms my body,
Because I know I have someone watching over me.
I love feeling my heart flutter when your name lights up my phone,
Because it reminds me that I'm wanted.
I would talk to you forever if I knew what to say.
I love the feeling of platonic intimacy between us,
Because of that beautiful connection we've formed over the years.
I love how often you're on my mind,
Which floods my body with a constant buzz of happiness.
I love how you leave me breathless after each of our phone calls,
As I soak in the details of our complex conversations.
I love feeling the confused tears threaten to spill down my cheeks,
As I hear you talk about your struggles.
Happy tears because you trust me, but sad tears because you're hurting.
I love how raw and genuine you are,
Which always leaves me wanting more of what you have to say.
But most of all,
I love you.