Chapter 1: Fighting for our lives

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A yo-yo whizzed through the air and anchored onto a nearby light post. A flash of red swing by the pedestrians below. The people of Paris awed at the acrobatic performance their red and black spotted hero performed.

"It's Ladybug!" The crowd cheered below.

"Get to cover!" The hero called to the people below as she passed them. She wasn't sure what the akuma was capable of, but her call from Chat Noir had made it clear that it was not going to be an easy battle!

Ladybug made her way to Notre Dame Cathedral. She latched onto a gargoyle with her yo-yo, then tugged the twine like string to slowly pull herself up. As she reached the top a black leather hand with claw tips reached down.

"Need a paw LB?" The owner of the hand asked.

Ladybug smiled and grabbed her partner's hand. "Thanks, Chat Noir. I tried to get hear as fast as I could. Where is the akuma?"

"Over there," he said pointing to the Bourgeois Hotel.

A server dressed in black with an apron wrapped around her waist floated at the top of the hotel. "You little brats! You think you can just treat people like shit! I will show you what happens when you treat people the way you do!"

Chat's cat ears flattened against his head. "It appears one of our favorite people didn't treat a member of the restaurant staff too fondly."

Ladybug growled. "Chloe needs to stop doing this. This is the third akuma this week."

"Purrhaps, my lady, we should focus on taking down our akuma more than what caused it."

"You're right, Chaton. What do you know?"

"She's got a lot of silverware," Chat answered, rubbing his left shoulder. "And she can throw it."

"Chat, are you hurt?" Ladybug asked in panic. How has and not noticed?

"Just a bruise, my lady. Nothing to worry about. I'm just lucky she threw the spoons at me and not the forks." He smiled. Chat Noir hated when his lady worried about him. He's sure his arm was going to have a giant welt, but just hoped that she could toss the lucky charm in the air and take care of it.

"Well then we need to go in with a plan. Any idea where the akuma is on her?" Ladybug couldn't help but feel slightly concerned for Chat Noir. He rarely shared if he was in pain, and when he did let anything slip he was in serious pain.

"The akuma is in the check book next to the knives."

Ladybug frowned. "Well, that will be difficult to get to. If we could get a hold of her apron that could solve a lot of our problems."

"You got a plan bugaboo?"

"I believe I do. Can you keep her busy?"

Chat Noir winked. "I will do my best, my lady."

"Follow my lead," Ladybug smirked and tossed her yo-yo out to a nearby light post. Chat Noir followed, pole vaulting over every light post.

Ladybug Landed on the rooftop across the street from the akumatized victim. "I understand that you are angry, but shouldn't you be waiting on tables, not hotel roofs?"

The villain smiled. "Ah, Ladybug. So nice of you to join. I am Wait-Stress. Hand over your miraculous so I don't serve you the same dish as your partner."

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