Before we begin about the legend of the Red Banner there are some important things you must know regarding many things.
I doubt any of you have read my original works on my _Gryphos_ account, which is okay. I must inform you that my style is rather...blunt at times, this is on purpose.Also, about my style, my main audience for my writing is usually 12 and up. However, there are some themes and puns and such that all ages can enjoy.
Never assume anything. While my writing may be blunt my characters and plot are incredibly enticing and surprising.I like my plot twists, so be ready for that.
Wings of Fire is a childrens' series. As you noticed in Wings of Fire, the culture is bland and nonexistent. I have created a unique culture for each tribe.I even created a little mythology. Basically when settling in Pyrrhia, the dragons were ruled by great and powerful queens that first established the tribe. These queens are often mentioned in the form of blasphemy and will NOT be making an appearance.
While this does take place 17 years after the SandWing War, I am changing all Queen names (except Thorn).Why?
Because the whole entire Darkstalker and Queen Scarlet thing is nonexistent here. Yes, he is mentioned as a mythological character, but that is it. Plus, if you read Book 9, basically everyone is freaking dying and the plot is still incomplete and characters are still likely to die.
So, as I said earlier, Wings of Fire is a childrens' series.If you read book 6 you know that there are basically 0 grudges being held among the tribes. Well, Im changing that. All tribes hate each other (excluding allies obviously).
This is for plot and basic logical purposes.
We all know aminus magic. It's literally OP as heck.Animus magic is teachable in Red Banner, while it takes MANY years of practice it is still possible to learn. Animus are considered natural borns while the learners are referred to as "Alicks".
Both Animus and Alicks are despised and outcasted from society. Some serve by their Queens as servants.
Chapters will be slow. Why?Every single chapter will have a drawing to it. Like a comic except only 1 panel. Also I am writing SEVERAL other novels right now that take priority. I hope you all understand.
The PoV (point of view) will switch between each of the chosen members for the first few chapters before finally being set in Eagle's PoVNow that this little note is out of the way why not get to the story? I'm sure you're eager to learn the tale of the Red Banner and how it finally burned to ash...

Red Banner: Damnation
Fanfiction"Give us your outcasts! Give us those you wish to dispose of and we will take care of them for you! Let all of Pyrrhia unite under the Red Banner!" The Red Banner, it's color comes from the blood of those who defy its might. The banner has reaped th...