Flames - Percy Weasley (gn)

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Warnings: kinda smutty lol

You turned over in your twin bed, which crinkled the emerald duvet that lay atop of your uncomfortable body. You weren't able to sleep on this particular night. While everyone else had rested their eyes and their minds, your ran wild with the memory of Percy's lips against yours.

Although Percy had advised to get some sleep before he crept into the Slytherin tower, you were too excited to even close your eyes.

Having been younger than Percy and not a prefect, your shenanigans were often cut short by Percy notifying you that you had to be in bed soon.

Suddenly, as if breaking through the sound that filled your head, you heard the heavy painting door to the Slytherin commons room open. You had told Percy the Slytherin password earlier that night. You knew Percy was too ostentatiously virtuous to do anything untruthful with the information. You cautiously rose out of your bed, and tiptoed your way to the dimly lit room. The walls matched your duvet, a blazing flame brightening the brilliant viridescent theme that the room possessed.

He was sweating profusely, showing his true excitement to be breaking the rules. A smile grew on your face as he strode towards you briskly, instantly wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I couldn't wait any longer," He chuckled, his breath still heavy. You kissed him gently as a hello.

"Aren't you cold?" He inquired, scanning your body. The slytherin common room was always colder than the others, despite the constant heat coming from the fire.

"You warm me up, love," Without any further hesitation, you removed his sweater and pulled him closer to you. He practically radiated heat off of his body; his skin was warm to the touch.

"Wait," He placed a hand on your arm as to keep you from continuing. "I've brought something," From what you could see, a smirk formed on his face as he dug in his pockets for his wand.

"Lumos," You shielded your eyes for a moment. When you regained sight, Percy held a piece of parchment in his opposite hand.

"Look at this," All you saw was blank parchment. You raised an eyebrow. In detecting your confusion, he remembered the instructions.

"All you have to do is point your wand and repeat this phrase," He demonstrated. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," Suddenly, inscriptions began to appear on the page, reading: "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present—"

"The Marauders Map? Where did you get this?" Percy having a tendency to be a bit of a goody two-shoes, you would have never expected him to have such an item, especially with its reputation.

"McGonagall gave it to me," His smile became brighter. Your heart fluttered for his excitement.

"Y'know, since I'm such a wonderful prefect, she decided I deserved a tool to help me in my duties," He joked. You rolled your eyes.

"Oh, piss off," You giggled as you playfully punched his shoulder. He joined in the laughter and opened up the map. Your eyes scanned the page.

"Wait-" His demeanor changed to something frightful. "What's Fred doing up at this hour?" He closed the map, quickly reciting "Mischief managed,". He threw his sweater back over his back.

"Terribly sorry, love. Maybe we can continue this later?" He stuffed both his wand and the now blank map into his pocket.

"I suppose," You teased. He gave you a gentle kiss goodbye and hurried out the Slytherin common room.

Oh, Percy.

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