Demonic - Ron pt. 2 (fr)

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Suggestion: OMG PLEASE DO PART TWO OF THE RON IMAGINE! I LOVED IT SO MUCH PLEASE OMG ILY. Request made by anon ask on tumblr.
Prompt: Read part 1!
Warning: Female reader, smut

Your day started off with bumping into Ron on your way to Herbiology.

"Please, Y/N, how long are you going to make me wait? Let's just skip-" You cut him off with a kiss, your hand under his chin.

"Free period, Ron. It's not that far away," You chuckled, pretending you didn't want him as much as he wanted you. He cupped your cheeks with each of his hands, denying that you let him go with just one kiss.

      "Four hours is enough to drive me mad, Y/N," He whispered. You bit your lip and looked down. You were truly like a drug to him. As soon as he had a taste of you, he couldn't get enough.

"How am I supposed to get through potions? I sit behind you, you know,"

"That's the fun part," You smirked at him, turning away and beginning to walk towards your classroom. You purposefully swayed your hips, teasing him from a far.


You quickly tried to make your way to potions, hoping that Ron wouldn't be able to catch you before class started. But, knowing that you had this class together, Ron hurried too, so he wouldn't be with Harry or Hermione. You were just about to enter when a pair of strong hands grabbed your waist and pulled you back. You were pushed up against the wall. Ron towered over you, one arm over your head and the other hanging weakly on his side.

"Please don't make me sit through this torture," He whined. "Just seeing you in the hallways make me want to-" He was cut off by Professor Snape.

"Makes you want to what, Mr, Weasley?" He asked in his familiar stern voice. Ron quickly took his arm to his side and nervously turned his head to Professor Snape.

"N-nothing, Professor," He stammered out. Professor Snape looked at the both of you for a moment.

"Detention. Both of you, after school," Ron's face turned from nervous, to excited, to a fake disappointed look.

"Into class. Now,"


When lunch came, the hour before free period, Ron was practically clawing the tables in the dining hall. Ron and Hermione were talking about Draco. Ron tried to pay attention and focus on the conversation, but you were purposefully rubbing your ankles together to distract him. He looked over at you.

"Y/N! I swear to Merlin," He mouthed to you with his teeth gritted. You giggled quietly, blushing at him. His face softened, a corner of his mouth turning up. It wasn't a smirk, though, it was his sympathetic smile, one that could make you think you were he most special girl in the world. His eye brows raised and his whole face flushed with red.

It made you feel incredible to have known that with just a smile you could change his mood completely.

"Mother of Merlin, you're gorgeous," He said in astonishment over your two friends sitting next to you. They stopped talking immediately and looked at the both of you. You buried your head in your hands, blushing furiously. Even though it was just your two friends, it felt like the entire room went silent.

"You're a subtle man, Ron," Harry joked at Ron's side, patting his back. He kept staring at you with the same, loving look.


Free period had finally came. As you were all dismissed, you shot a quick glance at Ron before racing to the crowded exit. You slipped through numerous people, hoping that Ron was still behind you. You were cautious not to run, so you wouldn't get another detention. You heard footsteps trail behind you, and a smile grew onto your face. Ron's hands met your waist, tickling your sides gently. You let out a giggle, and so did he. His hand found yours as he lead you to the stair well, being careful to watch the changing directions of them. Once you reached the opening of the commons room, he blurted out the password, and you were granted access.

      He practically dragged you into the room. You were pulled into the boy's dorm, slowly backing away from Ron with an undeniably happy smile on your face as he fidgeted with the door. He quickly turned around, a loin ready to pounce on his prey. He charged towards you and his arms wrapped around your waist as you fell onto his bed. He straddled you, attacking your neck with kisses.

      This time was different than the last. This time was slow, and loving. You knew he loved you, and he knew you loved him. It wasn't just sex. It was everything you'd wanted for the last seven years.

      Your head was perched on his pillow, his bare body hovering over yours as he thrusted into you. His hair brushed your forehead as he picked up his pace. You bit his freckley shoulder, holding back a blood curdling moan. You could feel yourself reaching your point, everything inside of you ready to burst at the seams. You abruptly wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his neck as tears welled in your E/C eyes. You let out a whimper.

      He stopped, pulling away and looking at you with a concerned look in his eyes.

      "Am I hurting you? I can stop if it hurts," He breathed out, rubbing a tear away from your burning cheeks.

      "Maybe we should've waited-" He was cut off by your lips being pressed against his in a lustful kiss.

      "Ronald, this doesn't hurt, but...what does is how much I'm in love with you," You whispered, another tear streaming down your rosy features.

      He knew you loved him, but not that you were in love with him. He just looked at you in shock. You lowered your eyes in disappointment; you knew you shouldn't have told him so early.

      "Y/N?" Your eyes peered up at him.

      "I'm in love with you too," Ron chuckled breathily, leaning down to kiss your swollen lips. You instinctively kissed him back, twisting your hands in his fiery locks. Once he pulled away, he took another moment to soak it all in.

      "Never leave me, F/N L/N," He spoke softly, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. Your lips met the tip of his adorably spotted nose.


HIHIHI! I hope you enjoyed that part. Sorry the chapters have been delayed lately, I've just been really lazy whoops

Regardless, I still love you. I hope you still love me. Remember to request something if I haven't written something you'd want to read. Ily. Byeee

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