Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys!!! I'm so excited I'm finally  getting a chance to post after days of being swamped. So, to make it up to anyone that has been in suspense I'm giving you guys a double update. I hope you guys enjoy it! Don't forget to LIKE, VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE

xoxo Alayna 

P.S. You guys I'm on twitter so if you want to communicate with me beyond Wattpad you can follow me my username is Xoxo_Alayna. So if you guys want to float me story ideas, comments, or questions you can :). Thank you for reading and supporting.😘


It just sort of happened my ass. There's a deeper story there but I just let it go. I know when I hear bullshit. Looking across the table at Jasper I see he's eyeing me nervously as I pick at the meal he put before me. I start to wonder why he's watching me so intently then come to the realization he might want my opinion on the food.

"You know; I usually don't like other people's cooking that much but you did really good. I'm gonna have to get this recipe from you; the girls would love this."

"The girls?" he questions not knowing I mean my best friends Elle and Shay.

"My friends, Elle and Shay." I explain.

After moments of tense silence, I ask, "What about your friends? I don't usually see you have any visitors, besides your party goers."

"It seems you've been stalking me," he chuckles.

"In your dreams, sweetheart," I say before taking a drink of wine.

"You in my dreams now that's something we can discuss." he says suggestively.

"You're avoiding my question." I tell him.

He gives me a tough stare and then decides to answer my question. "I have two friends that I'm close with. Brice and Garret, they're about to open a winery out in Courtney. Does that answer satisfy you?"

"Yep. What's your friend Brice's last name?" I question.

"Why, you want a date?" his brow raise

"Why you jealous?" I tease with a raised eyebrow. After a beat I answer his question. "I think he's my friend's neighbor"

After my confession he stands and walks into the living room. A few seconds pass by and he comes back with a picture frame. When he hands it to me I recognized Brice and Jasper right away but the third guy in the picture wasn't familiar to me.

"So how long have you guys known each other?" I ask while eyeing the photo curiously.

"We've known each other for a few years" he sighs he starts to clear the dishes. When he goes to pick up my plate and a wine glass tips over and spills all over the front of my pajama top.

"Shit!" he yells then starts to try and dry me off with the table napkins. Once he realizes his hands are on my breasts he freezes. I don't know what his touch is doing to me but as soon as I feel my body react to him I don't think I just do. I look into his eyes rest my hands over his use them to knead my breasts. He groans as I lean in. Our lips touch, its light at first. Like a test. Then something takes over Jasper and he gives into the pleasure of the moment. But just for a moment. Suddenly, I'm brought back to the present. Jasper pulls away and a chill rush across my chest making me remember the spilled wine. After Jasper rights himself with his back towards me he pulls off his t-shirt and hands it to me. He makes sure I have the shirt then walks to the sink with our dishes.

Talk about moody. Maybe I was testing him. Maybe I was testing myself. Or maybe I just wanted to see what he'd do. Who cares why I did it, all that mattered was the response. And I liked the response. Until he pulled away to do dishes. Instead of apologizing I just take off my wet pajama top, stand and hang it on the back of the chair. Then I walked out the front door with his shirt in hand. I'm probably not going to give it back.


"I'll wash your top really quick just let me know when your changed" as I finished my statement I hear the front door close.

I turn around and see she stole my shirt. I mean I gave it to her to wear while I washed hers but instead of waiting she had left. But after a moment thinking about it, it made me wonder what she looked like wearing it. And leaving her shirt behind, she knew what she was doing. She was playing with me and damn I liked it. Two can play that game.

Three days later I return Claire's night shirt. I place the bag on the mat in front of her door and walk back home. I couldn't wait until she saw the adjustments I made to her shirt. I had a feeling I'd be hearing about it soon enough. I wanted her attention and time. I didn't know why she had this hold on me but I was sure as shit gonna find out why.

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