Couples Activity day: Narry

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Each of the boys had different activities the did with Harry. Their own personal couples hobby that gave them individual dominance over their submissive to keep their alpha side at bay. They started this about eight months into their relationship. First, it was Niall, then, Liam, followed by Zayn, and finally, Louis.

For Niall and Harry their beloved activity was weird. All the boys where quirky, and everything they did had an alternative meaning. So when Niall signed Harry and himself up for ballroom dancing no one (aside from Harry) looked twice.
Harry within all his Bambi legged glory could not even walk strait. Niall had signed them up in hopes of maybe improving his coordination.
Their first class was horrible.
The instructed they had hired was in fact a Russian ballerina who had such a long resume that after the first 3 pages of training experience attached a flash drive with her work experience. Her name was Christen Ruth she was 62 years old and a retired dancer. Her resume included everything from stripping in Los Vegas, to ballet instructing in some academy, to the rockettes, to broadway, to London Ballet Company, etc.. Harry and Niall where so impressed and assumed she would be if nothing else and interesting person to talk to. Well, their first lesson they found that she was an alpha domineering woman who despised alpha men and abused her power over submissives. She refused to talk about herself, offered little in instruction, expected nothing less then perfection, and carried a ridding crop. Niall had put up with the verbal abuse not letting it affect him and calming Harry when he got upset at a remark or his clumsiness. The breaking point came when Harry had fallen for the nth time after doing a dip incorrectly and pulled Niall down on top of him. The lovers had giggled and Niall kissed him rolling them over as to not crush Harry whom he had landed on top of. As soon as Harry's backside was exposed three wicked swings came down shockingly fast from the crop right on his back where Niall and Liam's mate marks were. Harry yelped and visibly crumbled in pain.
And Niall saw red.
Christen had run as fast as she could to get away from the snarling alpha. Niall had started to chase her through the dance studio but was quickly grounded by Harry who had let out a loud wail in pain. Niall ran to his side and gently lifted the back of his shirt until he saw the injuries on the base of each shoulder blade. The mate marks where about a week and a half old and still incredibly sensitive. A sweet touch from his alphas would send him to drop and a bit of pain was agonizing.
What Niall saw broke his heart. On Harry's back, right on top of the marks dark angry bruises where forming. Niall rubbed his lower back absorbing some of his pain and kissed sweetly at his own mark that was bruised to try and get him to drop so the pain would barely be felt until after he had some kind of treatment. He had been there for nearly ten minutes soothing the smaller boy who was slowly dropping when Liam appeared.
Niall looked up in shock asking "What are you doing here?"
Liam rushed over not responding to the question. Instead he asked, "what happened?" His voice gruff.
Liam kissed his own bruised mark on Harry's back and it pushed their youngest mate over the edge and he dropped.
Liam picked him up and started to the door.
Niall in turn walked swiftly next to him occasionally rubbing Harry's leg and began to explain to Liam how satanic is their instructor was.
The three walked back, being less then a mile from the studio they had walked there, Harry cradled in Liam's warm arms and Niall right next to him soothing him at every moment of unease.
Back at their house (mansion) they went strait up to their bedroom and payed harry on his stomach after removing his shirt each boy flanking his side holding him and soothing him. Twenty minutes later Zayn and Louis walked in and at first they were warmed by the sight of the snuggling lovers. Then Louis noticed the bruising and almost screamed.
He pulled Niall off from Harry's side and began palpating the tender wound.
"Zayn go get me an ice pack, a towel, and a water bottle. Niall grab the bruise healing balm from the medicine cabinet and two ibuprofen." Harry whimpered again sensing his lovers distance in his deep trans-like state. And Louis was quick to console with a gentle "shhh love they'll be right back. We're gonna make you all better." He kissed his own mark proudly displayed on the back of his neck impossible to hide when his hair is up unless he is in a turtle neck. Harry immediately settled.
The boys walked in and Louis began patching him up while he slowly came out of sub-space.
"H-hurts" Harry whimpered out.
All four of his mates were there in a second rubbing his back, legs, and arms and Harry practically melted into the mattress as the pain disappeared. He rolled to his side and Liam helped him to sit up. Louis was there in a second two tablets and an open bottle of water at the ready. Harry took the ibuprofen with a small smile.
Needless to say Niall and Harry got a new dance instructor and continue their lessons once every other week while on break from tour.

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