March 08, 2017

13 3 0

I'm currently in social studies. I just finished my test, and it honestly was pretty easy, all things considered. 

I'm super excited because I came up with a new story concept that I think will be really cool. 

Currently in 7th hour. Nothing has happened today lol. I have a play rehearsal today though. I'm probably going to try and develop a plot for my story concept. If any of you have character name suggestions, please let me know! I'll tell you what kind of names I'm looking for now!

-Modern feminine names/nicknames

-Modern masculine names/nicknames

-Androgynous/gender neutral names/nicknames

-Computer model and acronym that also looks like a name/computer model name that can be shortened

Any and all suggestions are appreciated!

Ok, that's all that I'm going to say for today. There isn't really much that happens on the week days. Today's post is really more of an infomercial XD




Yes, I know, I'm posting this late. I was watching Gilmore Girls. Fight me. 

I promise I'll get actual content out soon, guys. 

That's all! Thanks for reading!

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