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We made our way down the corridor, up a flight of stairs, then down our way into my first class. "What is my first class again"? "Sky". Rose responded. "What's Sky"? I asked. "Lessons on how to fly outside your room". I thought this was very strange that we have to take a lesson to fly outside of our rooms. I mean isn't the same as flying inside the room? I decided not to ask Rose this cause she's been having a short temper lately. We made our way out to a large field. I saw other kids in their uniforms and a very short women standing in the middle of them. "What's her name"? I asked. "Mrs. Fubby". Rose responded. "Okay everybody! Line up along this line so that we can start my class. If I tell you to do something you must do it immediately! Are we understood"? We all knotted our heads. "Fantastic! Okay one at a time you will fly as high as you can. Ready George? GO"! George lifted off the ground and flew about 20 feet up and then slowly descended back to the ground. About 15 other kids did the same thing until my turn came. When Mrs. Fubby said go I pushed off the ground with all my strength. I shot up into the bright sky. I heard awes down below me. I was having a great time until a beam of dark light hit me... literally. I spun out of control and had a tornado made from dark light surrounding me. I managed to get my head to the top of the tornado until something grabbed my foot. I looked down and saw a animal human like creature pulling me down. I kicked and thrashed and did everything to escape this creature. I managed to get loose of it somehow and suddenly dropped down to the ground. I landed with a thud. I didn't land in the field though... I landed in a cold dark forest. The trees looked as if they would swallow me whole and leave my bones for the wolves. I saw the dark cloud circling above me. I stood up and ran. I heard it behind me. All six feet of it. Running on my heals. Scratching the back of my leg with its sharp claws. I saw a light. I ran towards it. Ran as fast as I could. Don't stop. Keep running. Don't look back. I ran into the light and found myself in cold water.

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