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When I got back to the castle I was surrounded by people who took me back inside. As soon as I was inside I went straight to the nurses office to receive medical attention. The nurses office was quite big. Everything was blurry. Noise... what noise? I could barley hear anything but I noticed the worried faces surrounding me. I was so focused on saving my life I didn't even notice the blood poring out of my ears. I screamed, panicked I tried to say something. Nothing came out. Everything went black.

I woke up apparently days later. I was still in the hospital with IV's in my arms and tubes giving me blood. The doctor walked in. He was fairly young, stern looking, and had a small mustache. He came to my bed and told me it was almost impossible that I was alive. He said I had brain batter coming out of ears once I fainted. He said once that happens, you're gone. But then apparently my hand started moving. He said he got me a brain scan and my brain was perfectly healthy and healed. But how?

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