Release and The Perfect Outfit.

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She woke to a heartbeat that was not her own. For a moment she was slightly confused, but as she opened her eyes stroking her hands slowly down the silky shirt she remembered Ren coming to her hospital room in the early hours of the morning. She looked upon the still sleeping face of the man she loved.

I truly am the luckiest woman alive.

She thought as she looked up into the most handsome face of the most amazing man to ever grace this planet, or so she thought.

But I suppose I'm kinda biased.

She thought and giggled as she ran a finger lightly over his abs which were visible below his shirt.

Ren moaned slightly in his sleep as she did it again with just a little more pressure. The arms holding her tightened as he moaned again. She was really enjoying herself, running her fingers over all the parts of his body within reach. She explored every dip, curve and muscle with her fingertips.

"If only I could wake up to this every morning." she sighed out loud to herself.

"You can if you like?" she jumped at his sudden voice. Looking up Ren's eyes were still shut, but he had a mischievous grin on his face.

"How long have you been awake?" she pouted, slightly embarrassed to be caught in the act.

"From about my elbow." he said finally opening his eyes and looking down at her.

"It's rather ticklish there you see." feeling like she wanted to torture him a little for pretending to be asleep, she slowly ran over his elbow with her fingertips never truly putting force behind her touch as he shivered, delighted.

"I didn't say it tickled in a bad way." he looked at her, staring into her golden depths as she recognised the eyes of the Emperor of the Night.

She pushed him away lightly without much force so his body only rocked slightly. "You big bully" she scolded as she ran light fingers down his right side. This time he did giggle so she did it again. The giggle became a covered laugh. Smiling to herself she took a deep breath and attacked his side, tickling him with no mercy as he bucked and rolled on the bed laughing hard as she laughed herself at his ticklish pleasure.

When he could take it no longer and his breath was coming in ragged gasps he grabbed both her hands with one of his pulling her head back towards his chest where she rested it gently, his hand holding hers placed above his heart as they lay together in a loving embrace.

"So what do you say to my offer?" he asked her once both their breathing rhythms returned to normal.

She looked up into eyes, "Your offer?"

He smiled at her gently. "Move in with me then you can wake up in my arms every morning. It's the only place in this world I want you to be." she looked at him, startled.

What should I say to Okami and Taisho?

She thought as his wonderful embrace surrounded her with gentle folds of love, warmth and safety. It must have shown on her face as he kissed her hair gently.

"Don't worry about it at this moment my love. You have time to think about it."

His soft love which enveloped her so wholly was all she needed as the breathless answer left her lips,"Yes, Ren."

Two weeks later the day had come. She sat on the edge of her hospital bed looking at the outfit laid on the chair before her, the light bandages that cradled her stomach were now there just to stop the almost healed wound from rubbing or peeling the last of the scabs away. She felt herself and if anything the last few days had been restless. She thought to the day before when both her sets of adoptive parents had turned up with arms and bags full of clothes. The shock hit her then that all of the outfits they had playfully 'window shopped' for in the catalogues had been bought for her.

She had tried her hardest to protest, but Juliena would hear none of it. All she had said was she had almost 18 years of Christmas and birthday presents to make up for so she had better get used to it and do so fast. The tears they had shed together then along with Okami were those of complete joy. She had found her family and she loved them all dearly, but there was only one outfit suitable for this day. It had not come in any designer label.

It simply arrived folded neatly in a brown paper bag. She looked again at her chosen outfit and smiled. It took her only a few minutes to get ready. A knock at the door roused her as she firmly fitted the belt around her waist so it rested on her hips below her bandages.

"Come in." Atsuko walked in smiling wholly at the sight of the young actress.

"You look perfect!" she said as tears fell from her eyes. Kyoko approached her and hugged the young nurse who had fast become everyone's friend. All the nurses had been wonderful, but Kyoko knew that she would always hold a special place for Atsuko in her heart.

"Don't be silly Atsy-san." she chided using her personal nickname for the nurse.

"You have my email address, my real address and my phone number. It's not like we are not going to see each other again." they both laughed as they released each other/

"I know Kyoko-chan, but I still can't help but feel so happy. When you came here there was only a 30%-70% percent chance of your survival, but you beat the odds. You recovered so well and so fast and now look at you going home. It just makes me so happy."

Kyoko hugged her new friend again.

"It wouldn't have been possible without you and all of my friends. With your help and support how could I not get better?" she asked as she smiled.

Atsuko dried her eyes as she smiled back. "Kanae-san always said you would wow us all in recovering and then go on to wow the world with your skill. So are you ready Kyoko-chan?"

She smiled at the nurse, took one look around the room she had lived in for almost 2 months and again smiled her most dazzling smile.

"I'm ready."

The crowd that awaited her at the elevator smiled as she strode out on light feet.

"Good morning everyone. Please look after me from now on." she said, bowing politely.

They all smiled at her warmly as they all said their own greetings in return. A large hand snaked around her waist and she looked up into the loving eyes of the man she loved.

"Your stage awaits princess." he said as she smiled up at him.

Lory stepped forward and offered a few chosen words he had for this moment:

Acting is not about being different.

It's about finding the similarity

in what's apparently different,

then finding yourself from there.

His words burnt into Kyoko's soul. This was how she thought of acting and how she built up her character. Looking at the double glass doors at the end of the corridor with the light streaming in and the excited screams she could hear outside, she nodded to everyone around her. She loved them all, and in return they all loved her. Taking a deep breath Kanae and Chiori took their places slightly to her sides one pace behind her as the Love Me girls walked confidently down the hall and out the double doors taking the stage together.

Hundreds of cameras caught the actresses first steps out of hospital. After almost 2 months the first thing everyone noticed was a set of 3 hot pink jump suits with 3 dazzling smiles.

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