Drunken fun

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"Good evening ladies would you care to join us for a drink?" as soon as the fingers had touched her shoulder Kyoko had felt a shiver run down her back. When Kanae also noticed them they turned as one to the smiling faces and both visibly relaxed.

"President, Ogata-san. Good evening." Kyoko tried to jump off the stool to bow falling straight into director Ogata when her unsteady feet touched the floor.

Lory knew it wasn't only the 4 inch heels causing this. He took the new drink that the barman had just placed on the bar for Kyoko and sniffed before taking a sip his eyes lighting with recognition "Well that would explain it. A Sweet Lucy if I'm not mistaken."

Kanae nodded as she looked at the president while Kyoko tried to apologise to the smiling Ogata who assured her that it was fine as he held the slightly swaying Kyoko. "That would be her third," Kanae said nodding towards the glass with a slight smile.

"Or should I say 6th as I was ordering doubles."

Lory raised his eyebrows at her ordering a water for the girl. Ogata was now leading her to their table.

"Sorry Prez but it was the only way she was gonna speak about today. Mo that silly girl still can't accept what's right in front of her. I needed to loosen not only her tongue but her heart too."

Lory slowly lowered his hand to Kanae's shoulder and squeezed it encouragingly. "I completely understand Kotonami-san. I'm sorry to say we were eavesdropping on your conversation and overheard what occurred. Do you know what agency this Yuka-san you spoke of is from?" he made the question sound light and airy but Kanae could feel how mad the president was

"Takarada-san for someone so hooked up on love you should know a woman's jealousy when it arises. It is nothing more than that. Give her time and she will forget all about it and find a new man to obsess over. I will not let her hurt my friend again. And if she does we will handle it as women not through the agency or with money."

Lory looked into the eyes of his Love Me number two girl and he smiled. Of course she is right, he thought letting the last of his anger recede as he took the water the barman placed beside him. "Well I trust you Kotonami-san. Let's get this to Kyoko I think she is going to need it."

Kanae smiled at the president finishing off her own Sweet Lucy and moving onto the one Kyoko had ordered but would be unable to drink.

The president raised his eyebrows at the young woman.

"Can't let a good drink go to waste now can I?" She sipped the drink.

He smiled as she got down off the stool and stood normally on the 4 inch heels. This seemed to still Lory's nerves as he nodded. "Nope I suppose you can't."

"So how is it going between you and Yashiro-san" He watched Kanae's back stiffen as he followed behind her. Even if she denied it now he had hit the nail on the head and they both knew it.

It was just before 2am. Kuon was starting to feel anxious. Surely if there were any problems Kanae would have contacted me by now. He looked again at his watch and then at his phone on the table. Should I call her just to make sure? She said they were having a girls' night and that Kyoko needed to let her hair down a bit. His mind wandered to a few nights ago and remembered her body pressed against his. Her lips teasing and licking away at the self control he had built up against her and seeing the longing in her eyes before she realised what she was doing. God how was he going to cope? He knew he needed to be gentle with her. She wasn't ready and hell she had just come out of the hospital.


Kuon ran to the door. Without even checking the spyhole he pulled it open to find Kanae supporting a very drunk Kyoko.

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