Waffles with a side of Freedom

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My alarm blared early in the morning, and I groaned while fumbling around with my hand to turn it off. It was only seven, but I wanted to pack up my backpack and get an early start on my lies to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. I tossed on a pair of high-waisted shorts that Sasha got me for my birthday last year, and a faded v neck that I bought forever ago. I took my wallet out of the hiding spot in my duffel bag and counted the amount I had saved up. I now almost had close to 2,000 due to saving and the money I made working. When I turn 18, however, the bank said I will be able to access whatever money my parents had put away for me. I was praying that there would be something, so I didn’t have to be homeless until I died. I carefully hid my wallet back inside my bag, and went downstairs for breakfast. I jumped a little when I noticed that the entire family was sitting down for breakfast.

             “Good morning, Tyler. Jane was just about to come wake you up for breakfast. Would you care for some waffles?” Mrs. Johnson asked me, holding out a plate.

“Uh…sure. Thanks.” I said, taking the plate from her and picking up a waffle from the plate. I scooped up some strawberries from the bowl in front of me and sat down in the seat next to Jack. The Johnsons had the habit of praying before every meal, so I hesitantly took Jack and Mr. Johnson’s hand. While the family was bowing their heads with their eyes closed, quietly murmuring their thanks, Jack’s hand moved its way on my leg and up my thigh. Without breaking my grasp from Mr. Johnson’s hand on my right, I grabbed Jack’s hand and twisted it until I heard him wince. I hid my smile, and let go when I heard ‘amen.’ I picked up my fork and dug into the waffle sitting silently as Mrs. Johnson chattered animatedly about her new gardening club she had joined. She leapt up from her chair to get into her purse and show off the flyer she created for more members to join. I sighed and tapped my fork against the side of the plate. When Mrs. Johnson came back to the table, she had a troubled look on her face.

               “Sandra, what’s wrong?” Mr. Johnson asked, standing up.

Mrs. Johnson sat down slowly, her brows furrowed.

               “My flyers are all gone. I spent hours working on those, and I know I put them in my purse so I could bring them to the meeting today.” She said, glancing around the table.

              “Does anyone know what happened to them?” Mr. Johnson said, looking into all of our faces. Silence filled the room.

              “Tyler was the last one to come in last night,” Jane blurted, a concerned look on her face.

Like I would take some gardening flyers? I thought to myself, my fist clenching under the table.

               “I didn’t take the flyers. I didn’t even know that you were in a gardening club.” I said, looking up at Mrs. Johnson. I could tell that she didn’t believe me. 

                “We don’t tolerate stealing in this house Tyler. Or lying. Until we find out what happened, you are grounded. You may go to work and come home, but that’s it.” Mr. Johnson said, with a note of finality in his voice.  On the inside, I was seething. I was getting grounded because of some stupid gardening posters that I didn’t even take? Honestly, who would even do something like that? I pushed my chair back from the table, feeling smug at the loud scraping sound it made against the polished floors. Nobody said anything as I stood up and walked up the stairs to my room, making sure I slammed it nice and loud. Take that.

“I know Sash, but I’m on lockdown over here.” I said sighing, rolling onto my stomach. “I swear Mr. Johnson is guarding the door like a dog or something.”

             “Ty you said you would come over and help me clean out my closet. I’m going to be so bored without you.” Sasha groaned, sounding disappointed. I was too, I loved to organize things. Sasha was going to let me have all of the clothes she didn’t want, too.

             “I’m sneaking out to leave for California later this afternoon. I have to be at the bus stop at three. What time is it now?” I asked her, lowering my voice a little bit.

             “It’s almost twelve-thirty. I’ll come pick you up and we can hang out at my house, then I can drop you off at the station in a couple hours. Okay?” She asked, sounding excited.

             “Perfect! I gotta finish packing up my bag so I’ll see you in five? I said, eager to get going.


I hung up the phone, and leapt off the bed. Getting on my hands and knees, I stretched out to grab my backpack that I had packed up and stuffed deep underneath the bed.

             “Well, well. Now this is just something I dream about, I never thought I’d get to see it.” A deep voice said coming from behind me. My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly shoved the backpack back under the bed and took my head out from underneath. I ignored Jack and brushed my knees off and stood back up. With him standing here, I wouldn’t be able to sneak out! I sighed, trying to let out my anger without getting mad at him.

            “What do you want, Jack?” I asked sounding exasperated. I was so done with this annoying creep trying to hit on me every second. Couldn’t he take a hint? I wasn’t interested.

            “What do you think I want, Tyler? Why don’t you just stop hiding it? You and I both know that you want me…” Jack said, winking, as he trailed a finger down my cheek. I slapped his hand away, and took a step back.

            “Says who? I don’t like you, you’re just my creepy foster brother. Nothing is going to happen. Ever. You got that?” I said forcefully, glaring at him straight in the eye.

            “Are you sure about that? Because I might just have to tell my parents that someone’s planning on skipping town to go to California.” Jack said, smirking.

I gasped. How did he know? He must have overheard me on the phone, or gone on my computer or something. He was going to ruin this for me! From the corner of my eye, I saw Sasha’s car parked across the street. It was now or never. I dropped my shoulders, and gave Jack a sweet look.

            “Okay, Jack. You were right. I do want you. I just didn’t think that we could be together because you know, we’re living together.” I slowly walked closer to him, trying to look innocent.

Jack smiled, and put an arm around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him in close. Right as our lips were about to make contact, I kneed him hard where the sun doesn’t shine. Jack collapsed to the floor, clutching his groin and groaning at the pain I had caused him. I quickly grabbed my bag from underneath the bed, scooped up my phone, and opened the window that led to freedom. Before leaving, I gave him a peck on the cheek as he laid on the floor.

            “Bye bye, Jack.” I said sweetly, before climbing out the window and landing softly on the grass. I ran to Sasha’s car and slid in the passenger seat. We laughed as I gave her a high five and she sped off down the street. Free at last. 

-----------------> Tyler (and Sophia) to the side! (Alexis Bledel) <3

Hey guys! I uploaded TWO long chapters for you all, so please enjoy! I would really appreciate a vote up if you like it, because it shows me that you guys like this. A comment would be even BETTER, but if you're just in a hurry please just vote it up for me to show you want more :) 


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