Chapter Two

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Decided to post again for my cousin Ianna ❤️
At first Lola and I were just hanging out until about 10:30, we decided to be a little late, but not late enough to miss the show. Being as though it's still hot outside I wore some jean shorts, a multicolored dashiki with some plain white sandals. Lola took her hair down and wore an all black T-Shirt dress with white and black high-top vans. We both looked cute in my opinion. Hopefully mystery guy won't be there.

"You ready to go?" Asks Lolianna

"Yeah, let's go."

"Are you sure? You look nervous about something."

"Yeah girl, I'm fine. Come on." We left our dorm room and started walking to the Kappa yard where the show was being held.

Finally, after walking all the way on the other side we get to the Kappa house, as soon as we stepped foot on the lawn the Kappa's were coming out on the stage they had put there.

Just my luck Mystery Guy was the first one out with the number 01 on the back of his red and white jacket, with the word Smoothe on the back of it.

Lola grabbed my hand and in no time, we were in the front row. I look up to find the stranger looking intently at me. His stare too strong for my eyes. After a few more seconds of our staring contest i won because he had to get in place. All if the Kappa's on stage started their stroll. Every girl in the crowd were hooting and hollering. Especially me, I don't know why i had gotten all excited. I didn't even want to come to this thing.

"This is fun right??" Lola asked.

"It is! I thought i was going to hate it!" We finished watching their performance and it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Classes don't start until Monday, but i still wanted to walk around campus in the morning and find out where mine would be held.

"Come on girl, I'm tired from all that screaming i was doing."

I had to bust out laughing, "See that's what you get, screaming over a man that couldn't tell your voice from any other female."

"Shut up, let's go." We started to walk away and i felt a gentle but firm pull on my elbow.

"Excuse me?" Lola was the first to say something because i was stuck in a daze. This man may have been fine from afar, but he was beautiful up close.

"Yes? May we help you?"

"Actually, i was referring to her." He looked down at me and I couldn't shake this feeling in my stomach.

"Well, excuse me. Car im going to be over here waiting, AND watching." Lola walked away and i was stuck there with mystery guy begging her in my mind not to leave me alone with him.

"Shorty, you good?"

"Yeah, hi im Carmen"

"I'm Washington, you the shorty that tripped over her bag earlier hugh?" Oh my goodness. That is so embarrassing

"Uhm, yeah that was me.."

"You don't have to be nervous Carmen"

"And why is that?"

"I'm not going to hurt you, unless you want me to"
No this negro did not.

"Yeeaaahh, listen. I hope you didn't think i was going to fall for that "Unless you want me to" shit. That was funny though." I started to walk away and he grabbed me again

"Wait, okay, that was mad corny. But, can i have your number?" He picked my hand up and laid a soft kiss upon it. Lord. This is only my first day here. I can't be doing this. I passed him my phone and he put his number in it before he called himself.

"Make sure you text me when you get to your room so i know you're safe."

"Yeah okay," we shared a brief hug and i walked to Lola trying to steady my breathing. I don't know what the hell that was about but it was driving me crazy.

When we got back to the dorm Lola decided to take her shower first since she said I had her standin outside in the cold. Basically, she was going to use all of the hot water and i was going to have to take my shower in the morning.

Sitting on my bed, I decided to text Washington to let him know i made it in safe. I laughed at what he saved his name in my phone as.

To : Future Boyfriend🖤- The name you saved in my phone was cute, but it's never going to happen. Btwss I'm in da crib.
From : Washington🤦🏾‍♀️ - Never say never sweetheart, but okay good. I hope you have a good night Carmen.
To : Washington🤦🏾‍♀️ - My night is over. Time to get in my bed.
From : Washington🤦🏾‍♀️ - Can i come? What you wearing? 😋
To : Washington🤦🏾‍♀️ - Typical nigga 🙄 no. Good night
From : Washington🤦🏾‍♀️ - I was just playing baby, but you should come over fr. I got a double bed room with just me in it.

I looked at my phone like this man is crazy, was i really about to get up and go to his dorm? The adventure in me is saying yes bitch get your ass up. Then the more realistic side is like NO CHILD.

To : Washington🤦🏾‍♀️ - Im on my way.

I got up, slipped on some tigts and an oversized hoodie and left. I walked all the way back to the Kappa house and Washington was sitting on the porch waiting for me.


I was textung Carmen and I didn't know she was really going to agree to coming over, but she did and a nigga was glad about it. Shorty walked up on the porch with some tights and a sweatshirt on. She wiped off all her makeup and she looked even more beautiful than before. She was the first girl I've ever looked at this way and it was doing something to me.

"Washington! Did you hear anything i said??" She was snapping her long ass nails in my face.

"Nah ma, sorry what'd you say?" She rolled her pretty brown eyes and chuckled

"I said are we going to go lay down or what? Im tired fromwatching you move your shoulders and twirl your cane."

"Oh you got jokes, but yeah. Come on baby." I opened the door for her and she looked around.

"Come on, my room down here" I led her to my room and she looked amazed.

"Nice room." She took off her sweatshirt and she was wearing nothing but a pink lace bra underneath.

She laid down in the unoccupied bed next to mine and got under the covers. I invited her over so she can sleep with me and this is what she does. I took off my shirt and jeans and got in bed behind her. She moved a little and I pulled her back to me.

"Don't run." I kissed behind her ear and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Carmen"



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