Ch. 15

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Nathan was someone who had the heart of a angel, but had the anger of a very pissed off bull. He was a very young boy, when I met him.

I look down at my ring my brother got me, I stare at it. I get angry and I take it off, and put it in my dresser.
"I have to go guys..." I say waving bye.
I jump out of my window, landing on my feet, looking around to see if anyone saw me. I start to run as fast as I can go. I hear foot steps following me. I turn around to see someone, but its to late. I can't stop, I run directly into the person, I feel my eyes turn to black. I look at the person. The person grabs me by my arms. I look at them.

"Hello there Alysha, I'm Klaus Michaelson." The man answers.
My eyes widen... "How did you find me?" I ask.
"That's none of your business, but I need to know how you became a hybrid. I'm an original vampire. But I need help, because I haven't been able to trigger mine, but I have a werewolf gene. So I want you to teach me." He answers.
"Well, here's the thing. You and your siblings aren't the first vampire to ever be made, my mom was the first vampire, and my dad was the first werewolf, then I came along. So no, you are not the Original Vampire, you think you are. And you are covered with a curse that can only be broken with, a double-ganger, a werewolf, and a vampire, to brake your curse. How do I know? Because I invented it." I answer

"Great, you can teach me how do brake it." Klaus answers.
"Its called a moon-stone, it has the color of the moon, and it holds the curse of hybrids. The reason I don't have the curse is because my moms best friend put the curse on the moon-stone, but made sure that it couldn't affect me." I answer once again.
"Okay, well I will come back to you, when I find all the people I need to lift this curse." Klaus says, using his speed that all vampires have, and runs quickly.

Alysha RyannWhere stories live. Discover now